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Found 3 results

  1. So, I started a brand new game, (Normal Difficulty with Ironman), queued up some new base construction, then proceeded to modify each class loadout to suit my style, and applied it across the board. A UFO popped up within the first game day, and I shot it down. When I went to land at the crash site, all the 'nauts were sporting their original default loadout, complete with flares in the quickslot. I may have heard of similar bugs, but not in this particular circumstance. (Sorry if this is a known issue).
  2. First UFO mission. CTD when over half way through loading mission on first attempt, following successful interception Crashes after a few seconds loading on subsequent attempts.
  3. Hi, I think that the fog of war (greyed out places in the ground missions) doesn't seem to be balanced well. Under normal conditions, clear sky etc., soldiers should see miles far away. Do they all have a sight problem? I understand that such a game feature might be there for a more balanced gameplay, however isn't it limited too much? Perhaps binoculars would help - I think it would be a really nice add on to the gameplay. Can you imagine a sniper seconded by an observer equipped with binoculars? Also some people do have sight problems, not sure if they would be in the army, but I would suggest to work on the sight distance a bit. Maybe each soldier could see into a different distance based on their precondition. Cheers
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