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10 Good
  1. I'm all for it. Your rationale for a reboot seems pretty sound.
  2. That's not fair at all. As games get older they get cheaper. A year ago on steam I could buy every GTA game ever made except V for £5. Does that mean that GTA 5 should have been £5 too? No you wouldn't.
  3. Thanks, turns out that's what it was when I went back again. A few turns later an NPC came running downstairs.
  4. The images show my situation. I have plenty of TU's and I'm clicking on the tile at the end of the stairs and nothing is happening. Is it a minor bug or am I doing it wrong?
  5. Also, will GOG users be able to manually install the workshop content or is it steam exclusive?
  6. So when do patches hit the main branch then?
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