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    I played Xcom many years ago on Amiga and Pc. Then on playstation.
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  1. If I could choose..(I can dream can't I??) It would be a movie triology. With stopmotion harryhausen feeling effects for the aliens blended with modern film tech, for a retro and other worldly feel. Also few A list actors, more new faces, for that "could be YOU" feeling. Also, it would not be a kids movie, but serious, bloody, intelligent and morbidly funny.
  2. I think a well made tv movie or movie will sell, if it is well made. Thing go in and out of style mostly due to the quality of the product.
  3. After finding Xenonauts I have also find that new 3d games with the Xcom name have been made recently. Seems the name has become popular again! Hollywood strugeling with new Ideas could maybe make a Xcom movie. What do you guys think would be a good format for it? I think a three part movie series (tv movie, or cinema depending on budget) would be awesome, maybe with three different styles, Part 1 mystery, thriller, horror. The Aliens reports start trikling in, until the full invasion is a fact.Seen from various viewpoints of leaders, squad members, scientists and civilians that will be followed through the 3 parts. Maybe ending with some countries allying with the ETs, while others form XCom. Part 2 Action, horror, war movie sci-fi. Serious WAR movie! Ala 'Bridge to Far' with a lot of reverse engenering and such.X-com responds to various types of missions. Earths forces are all but down for the count, when the alien base is discovered of world. Part 3 Adventure, Action, Horror. The team of now surviving veterans and rookies are sent to end the alien threat on its home turf.
  4. I think Aliens and paranormal is to big topics, not to closely related. I have seen a "ufo" in the middle of the day on the clear blue sky. Not that I know what it was, only that it was very strange. But how many planets are out there? For sure there is life out there, but have they visited us? Maybe not. Paranormal? Like ghosts and such, I can not belive in.
  5. Hello all! So pumped to recently find this game, it looks great. And happy to see so many people on the forum! One question. I have ubuntu 11.10 can the game run on it? If yes, then I will buy it for sure:)
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