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Kat Tsun

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Everything posted by Kat Tsun

  1. One Reaper = 10,000 offspring. Not like national governments would know this, nor does it change anything about tactical nukes being completely reasonable.
  2. When NATO Nuclear Sharing was first proposed, the Americans and Europeans wanted a submarine and surface fleet with Polaris rockets for a second strike capability for all NATO. They even commissioned a submarine with Italian, West German, British, American, Greek, Danish, Turkish, and Dutch crews for the NATO Multilateral Force. It all went swimmingly until someone realised that having a NATO submarine fleet, with the only country in NATO capable of producing atomic submarines and SLBMs being the USA (France doesn't count) this would be putting a sizable number of eggs into the Americans' basket. So when it failed, the idea of a NATO submarine fleet fell through, partly because it would be almost totally under American control, and partly because Europeans didn't want to spend a lot of money maintaining a nuclear submarine fleet. If the Xenonauts were an all-NATO force, they might have access to nuclear weapons, but it's doubtful for reasons below. Throw in the Soviets and Chinese, and the Xenonauts would never get nukes out of nationalist reasons and secrecy, and a very concrete fear that they may prefer to use nuclear weapons on terror sites and alien bases (not their people, after all) rather than fly in CH-47s and kill the aliens the hard way. And given the threat of such things as Reapers (which the national governments have probably encountered) a nuclear weapon is not at all unwarranted, nor extreme tbh. Far better to kill 12,000 people in an atomic fireball than watch the entire city be turned into horrible alien monsters.
  3. There were things designed to attack very small, high speed, high altitude targets in 1979. No, not Hercules, that was designed to attack large, high altitude, and slow groups of Soviet bombers. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Safeguard_Program
  4. Why would the aliens put a base exactly where everyone knows where it'll be? They just want to kill people, not set up shop. And I always assumed the nuclear weapons were under the orders of the national government, not the Xenonauts.
  5. Minutes, actually, depending on the height of the burst, at least for follow-up combat operations. American exercises with tactical nuclear weapons found that anywhere from 5-15 minutes was long enough to minimize exposure to immediate radiation, and short enough to prevent the enemy from regrouping and consolidating his position. Habitation would probably be a few weeks at worst, not including time it would take to rebuild the city. Besides, the average tactical nuclear weapon in 1980 would be anywhere from 2-8x the yield of Hiroshima, and most of the damage of the city was due to firestorms caused by stoves or lamps falling over and igniting wooden homes, not the actual blast itself. A modern, Western city with stone and steel structures would be more much fire resistant and have much less fuel per sq. km. I don't think a Hiroshima or Dresden-style firestorm would be likely without several nuclear weapons, or massive numbers of incendiaries. The real damage is publicity. It's hardly sustainable to nuke every terror site. And the casualty statistics at the end of each failed mission (they float around 20k for me) don't seem to back the "level the city" theory. It's more likely that they just nuke the portions surrounding the UFO, and where the Xenonauts landed; and local forces move in to secure the place from surviving extraterrestrials. There's no reason to assume that the aliens have biological weapons in use (besides the oft seen Reaper) due to lack of symptoms among the population. Small, precise nuclear strikes followed by an attack by conventional troops to clean up alien stragglers is the most likely scenario.
  6. Kat Tsun


    I enjoyed Ghost in the Shell quite a lot. Also, Berserk and Genocyber were good too.
  7. Hopefully when alien armour and armour mitigation become Things this will be more useful, probably as a better penetrating rifle, but more recoil and less accuracy. For now it's just a beefed up Ballistic Rifle because I don't know how recoil works. Click the images for bigger versions. The current sprites are basically placeholder images until I can trace over it in a more Xenonautsy-style I suppose as a hotfix or something. http://www.mediafire.com/download/qflyv3yesnadhhp/AR-10_Xenonauts_Mod.rar Just extract it into the Xenonauts root directory.
  8. Figuring out how to get inside crashed UFOs. Previous attempts at blasting an entry using rockets and high explosives was sadly ineffective. ):
  9. If it's 1979 it would be MGM-52 Lance or MGR-1 Honest John. Davy Crocketts were removed from American inventory before 1970. Davy Crocketts are too small to attack cities with anyway, they were meant for attacking company sized units of infantry.
  10. The only thing the humans were trying to do was talk to the aliens when they started shooting. >:
  11. Hello, I'm currently in the process of making a few weapons for the game, I was wondering if it was possible to use the fire selection ability to fire different projectiles, such as grenades. The main reason I'm looking at this is because I want to integrate underbarrel launchers or rifle grenades onto my weapons, and I don't want to have to make several similar looking guns for these features. I'd rather have a "burst" and "grenade" selection instead. Is this possible directly, or is there some sort of workaround that would accomplish what I want?
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