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11 Good


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    Richmond, VA
  1. Alright! As I was getting kind of wrecked I look forward to trying out the new (actually) easier difficulty.
  2. After trying to get going with 3 separate starts I just found the games combat overly difficult. Getting half or more of the squad wiped on intro missions kind of ruined any fun. I'm saying this as someone who enjoys a bit of difficulty but this just was just not fun. Getting 1 shotted from across the map.. Barely getting 3 soldiers to make it to the end of missions.. Having soldiers be that expendable really ruins the experience for me. Instead of getting invested, it makes it so I don't care about any of them if they are just going to die on the next mission. I'll likely try again later, besides a couple bugs with healing I liked everything else.
  3. Hope I'm not too late applying for playtesting.
  4. Looking good. Enjoy your break, any idea when/what version is going to get us to EA so more of us can play?
  5. Hope we get some EA news in the May update.
  6. Do we have an idea when this will enter EA? When V11 is stable? V12?
  7. Sorry for bump, I was leaning towards a minimap to give you an idea of the area but I like this a lot better. I hate not knowing where the edge of the map is and wasting movement points running soldiers into the edge of the map just to go the other direction.
  8. I'm all for it, was a little disapointed when I couldnt find something of the sort in-game.
  9. I'm somewhat surprised no one has brought it up, hope I'm not the only gun enthusiast on here... Excellent.
  10. If the game takes place around late 70's - early 80's this (g36) should not be in storage area since it wasn't created until about 1990. It bugs me everytime I see it lol
  11. (Steam release) When you start a ground mission for whatever reason not all your units start with a full clip. No soldier in their right mind would go into battle with half a mag, especially going up against alien
  12. Good to hear. I searched but didn't really see any threads about it. Must be within other topics. Thanks for replys.
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