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Everything posted by Jean-Luc

  1. Maybe their upkeep price could be added to the tally at the start of month rather than end so you pay the upkeep even if you decommission them.
  2. *packs swimming undies* So long suckers! *revs bike and rides off to 'maica*
  3. I KS-ed it and am looking forward but I'd never pay the EA price. Just wait for release, it's not like the game's finished or anything, eh?
  4. "Throwing knives" seem like they would fit sebilians (tribal/primitive theme) or maybe wraiths (teleporting ninjas)?
  5. I'd prefer them to stay as they are. They're not supposed to be magical jewelry. Bravery makes sense as medals represent a point of pride for a soldier, everything else would be just gamey and fantasy-ish.
  6. *I am commander Shepard and Cyllan is my favorite troll on the Citadel.*
  7. Well, if grenades weren't free, instantly available and in infinite numbers...
  8. Après Xenonauts le déluge....of aliens.
  9. You simply walk over a medkit and it heals you, jeez.
  10. I think it's called My Little Terror (from the deep).
  11. One of forum members on the official site made a playlist with English let's plays:
  12. Yeah, if the content is literature then it's literature, it has nothing to do with it being a forum post or not.
  13. Ammo was never really that much of a problem, you always find some after battles and the lesbian quest is just something you do in the way and take advantage of the merchant while you're in the area. Sometimes you send a couple of guys back to the airport or use a chopper or the ice cream truck or better yet hire some cheap mercs to act as mules. No idea why things got so complicated for you.
  14. Hah! for thee even a hound holdeth the throne Unwanted child of mother! Plague of plagues! Father of leprous children I wield ye to stint this brawl! Nigh is the ford, yet harken! do not thwart! Desirest thou to do it withal I shall cause thy body by one head too short! Sayest ye nay to my boon Then wilt thou from bloodshed swoon!
  15. Despite the hype Space Hulk, at its core, just isn't a very good game by today's standards. It has so little content and variety compared to even the very old Incubation. Not much FC can do about that. Still, can't say I have much faith in FC and I contributed to the KS reluctantly but we'll see.
  16. I remember sitting in the hangar-like building and headshoting them as they came in. It was like Lemmings but with blood and guts.
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