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Everything posted by Hazard

  1. I'm kinda hoping the combat system will end up having more than just two actions per turn. After 300 hours of playtime in XCOM I still feel that being able to do more per turn would benefit the game greatly, and if Pathfinders is going to have a wider range of different soldier actions, stances, movement options and so on, three or more actions per turn seem almost mandatory to make full use of them.
  2. There are no ATGMs, but a simultaneous assault with several LAWs should be enough, if they all hit. Mortars are also pretty effective, since you can just bombard the immobile tanks without much danger to yourself.
  3. IMHO, the management part of the OG never really felt tedious, since it didn't take that much time in the end, even though you had to do it rather often. I'm repeating others here, but it indeed was a major part of the "small things" that made the whole organization feel organic and under your control. I'd imagine this impression can be reduced quite a bit by even small simplifications. And I must say that I really like the quartermaster system TrashMan mentioned. It seems to strike a nice balance between having to buy your starting weapons (dumb for reasons mentioned before) and having the current unlimited supply of them (reasonable, but a bit boring).
  4. Just for the sake of better moddability, this would be good to have. And, like the OP said, immensely useful for more accurately differentiating between otherwise similar weapons.
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