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10 Good
  1. WJS


    zzz1010 - I am really impressed by you town map. I have seen many housing blocks like this in my life so I enjoyed playing a mission in this surronding. I ve also liked that this map had quiet many narrow spaces, so the mission is played more on short distance.
  2. Well, I have searched for this bug, but I haven't found it. Next time I will try to search more.
  3. Hello everybody! I am new on this forum, but I ve been testing Xenonauts for a while already. Generally this version is much more stable than previous one with less number of bugs. However recently after finishing a mission I ve got a strange mission result: Mission was played on desert map and the only unusuall think that happened during it was the fact, that one of my soldiers was killed but insted of his body lying on the ground, he was still standing.
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