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Everything posted by Langy

  1. One thing you can do for the dropship design to make it more capable of fitting into a smaller footprint - which I agree is a good idea - is to have the wings rotate similar to the Osprey's wings when landed on a carrier. Just make it so the wings rotate prior to landing while the engine pods are in helicopter mode. The real Osprey can't do it, but it'd be a nice modification for the game.
  2. OK, I think this worked out: A little more annoying than if I had been working with Photoshop, but GIMP worked out in the end.
  3. The things that seem to be off from that pic compared to the normal Xenopedia pics: A small black line should be stroked around the main picture. The background color is slightly off. There's one pixel of pure white in the orthographic projects to the side of the pic. The orthographic projections should have a slightly darker base color than the background. Unfortunately, I don't have access to photoshop at home any longer, and I doubt that work would be happy if I used their computers for this. I'd do it in GIMP except I can't figure out how to do the stroke the proper way in GIMP (I haven't really used it before), so... Hopefully my points will help whoever comes in and does it properly.
  4. This is absolutely amazing. Tell your art team 'great job,' and good work yourself on managing this effort.
  5. Very nice, but it sparked a question in my mind - is it possible to have a UFO crashland on the roof of a building? Because that's not something I've seen in-game, and it could be very cool.
  6. Sure. He's a nice guy; when you do, be sure to mention the square crotch debacle of 2005
  7. You also have to make sure you give the sniper rifle to a character who has decent Accuracy; if they have crap Accuracy, no matter what weapon you give them they're gonna be crap (though a shotgun may still work if you play the 'run up to enemy and shoot them in the face from 1 foot away' game).
  8. I always felt that a 'the aliens have infiltrated this location and turned the humans against you' type mission would be good in a game like this, ie you have to attack a human base to kill humans and aliens who are working together. You'd probably want to do a palette-swap on some of the Xenonaut soldier images in order to create the enemy soldiers (maybe neat near-black jumpsuits instead of the blue uniforms), but that shouldn't be *too* difficult. Another option would be the Reaper Hive mission if someone can build up a few new tiles to go along with the ones already in the alien base set. Would work best if it was mixed with the military base terror attack set, such that you can have a military base filled to the brim with Reaper goo. Nasty. Finally, and this is a silly idea, assaulting a UFO in mid-air rather than trying to down it. Maybe you shoot at the UFO with missiles that, instead of warheads, have people in them. It makes total sense!
  9. *Pretty* sure Reapers count exactly as a zombie plague that rushes from person to person.
  10. The re-register on the forum is probably due to the change from the old forums to the new ones, not a crash per se. Hrm. Now that I think about it, I backed once on Kickstarter and once for the pre-alpha (the Kickstarter was definitely a donation intended to make the game More Awesome). I got my Steam key from the Kickstarter, I think. Maybe? Not entirely sure - looking at my email history, I selected 'no reward' and I don't see where the key came from. Or maybe I got it from a Humble Bundle or something; if I did I paid even more for this game. Try seeing if you have an account at Desura (the platform originally used for the alpha)? But yeah, great launch and totally worth my money, especially seeing the post-launch support!
  11. Even things they can completely kill can lead to Foxtrots dying. One time I autoresolved when the chance of success was 100% and my Foxtrot still died:/ I assume he launched his missiles, then just stayed around to get shot up while the missiles flew in. Think I was shooting down a Scout ship:/
  12. Just clicking the name/callsign would also work, of course - but the current UI has rename buttons, so I just kept them.
  13. Sounds like it was just random chance, Roboserg. That's definitely still a possibility, even with new maps added to the list.
  14. Honestly, I think removing the first name from display lists and replacing it with the callsign would probably work the best. Display the full name in the barracks, but elsewhere just use 'RNK. "Callsign" Last'. In the barracks, the callsign should be its own display line underneath the name, so you'd have something like: CPL. Joseph Jugashvili Callsign: Man of Steel Rename Soldier | Change Callsign Age....etc Alternatively: CPL. Joseph Jugashvili Rename Soldier Callsign: Man of Steel Change Callsign Age....etc And, of course, the callsign stuff would only appear if the soldier has earned a callsign.
  15. I'm not sure why that's an argument for not displaying what role they had when they died.
  16. One thing I'd like is an indicator of what role the soldier had in the memorial wall - this would not only spiff it up with more (easy to add) detail, it would let the player see just how poorly he treats his Assault troopers (or to figure out which trooper he needs to replace, etc). If you do do the 'full detail information' section of the memorial wall that Theon just talked about, it would be nice to see a full mission or kill list.
  17. Agreed, Kabill - random callsigns are pretty boss, but they need to be modifiable by the player, both the random set in an externalized XML file and for each character during the game.
  18. Not a bad idea at all. I'd make the per-tileset masks use an alpha-style weighting scheme; the closer to black the color value the higher the weight given to this tileset at that location. That way, you'd retain your random tileset per location idea while also allow easy modding interaction between two tilesets from separate mods that alter the same location.
  19. I like the idea a lot - though, yes, being able to modify callsigns is really, really important. Still, good idea and good luck.
  20. Especially when that wall of text includes a goodly number of grammatical errors in just the first few paragraphs. I'm waiting on the sidelines for this one until I start to see some kind of evidence that the guy can make anything even remotely decent and polished.
  21. Save scumming has nothing to do with ironman or not. It's reloading a save after you fail in order to try and correct that mistake or try and alter what the random number generator will give you, like saving prior to a Council mission and then reloading until you get the rewards you're looking for.
  22. Little note: Save scumming doesn't work for getting better rolls in XCOM. The rolls you get are pre-determined at the start of the mission, and saving and loading doesn't change them due to the random seed being saved in the file. Also: Save scumming is totally cheating.
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