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Everything posted by raziel1981

  1. And being good enough in air combat not to lose planes is a bad thing?
  2. Lightzy - the "emergency escape maneuver" makes absolutely no sense at all. It was one thing having the unlimited ammo choice made under the reasoning that the game should avoid micromanagement and its a whole other making the interceptors indestructible. Like I said earlier - they should be cheaper to balance their destruction or (at the worse case) have a major repairing down time under a certain probability check just like the chance of a soldier that was shot down in battle ending up in a hospital instead of the morgue. Original X-COM had all these terrible "complications", yet amazingly most of the older gamers here finished it. Heck, and they loved it just for that and to a great extent supported this kick starter under the hope of seeing a lot of the "old school" XCOM come back to life. XCOM:EU had all the oversimplification I could stomach and I'm troubled (to say the least) that this game appears to be taking a similar direction.
  3. Well their was that set of scripts and tools Aaron used. Why not make them availble to the community for future mods?it sounded extremely useful
  4. Be it air or ground combat i rather have an unforgiving game then one that makes excuses for my failure. Im with jeabn luc on this. If air combat is that big a problem just make the planes cheaper. Balance comes before realism imho
  5. Lightzy - in essence i agree on this. While i perfectly understand the need for the community to test the game in a low budget game as this, I find that the recent rush of bugs in the last builds is just more then i can bear so i stopped playing till a decent build comes along. Instead of dling and rushing to play now i wait a few days for the comments on the bug forum and potential hot-fixes to pop up. Its just to frustrating to deal with some of the more recent bugs.
  6. Well here's one way to take on a terror mission in hopeless circumstances - think of the civs as collateral damage in advance and use rockets without prejudice...
  7. The nades issue is a major problem but I don't think that its critical enough to hold back on the steam release. Its the kind of problems that I think are legitimate for a beta stage game.
  8. The site seems to work much better. It was really annoying through the last weekend to try and connect here. Thanks for the upgrade!
  9. i agree that the sight range up is the only major problem now. Disable the shields till you get that sorted later, but the sight range has to be corrected as well as the crash if mission fail error. Otherwise, this is a very solid release
  10. Was that sarcasm? For some reason i imagine gj and chris reading together these los complaints and chuckling over a pint
  11. love the alien tank and heavy armor exclusive weapons. The hv shurikens/plasma katana is to Gundamn/Evangelion/Any Mecha-based anime name goes here for me. The artillery for vehicles seems unnecessary as well.
  12. Gauldlike - From what I recall Chris indeed mentioned that the choke point was the animation. Otherwise I understood that the flame throwers are supposed to go in edited OP with a more detailed list, lightgemini - thanks for your comments
  13. well who knows, maybe a miracle will happen and the team will put it in the game eventually.
  14. Gauldlike - why not use an explosive damage AoE like a rocket, only define its damage as incendiary/fire with increased values Couldn't the cone be fine tuned according to the modder's choice ?
  15. So I've been thinking, there's a lot of interesting stuff that at this point isn't clear if it will make the final cut or not and at least some of it seems like a real damn shame to me. So I thought it might prove to be useful to create a tracking list for all the contents that has been slashed out of the game but could remain in the assets directory for possible future modding. This would make this thread different from this one in the fact that it deals with stuff thats in the game, only incomplete and not completely kicked out of the game (like the example of the Russian ballistic weapons). Warning: SPOILERS FROM THIS POINT ON If I forgot anything else, feel free to add it. Hope this gives ideas for some relatively easy mods for the game's future when its released
  16. i agree on the gender percent comment, but I completely disagree on making this a global choice for everyone. Don't like it MOD IT YOURSELF
  17. that's some amazing stuff flashman!
  18. yep, its nice to have it work properly
  19. Sathra - would be happy to do so, only it wants me to pay for that...when downloading premium the download says it has 3.6GB to dl. Not sure whats happening here but it seems very strange...
  20. XCOM: EU is a fun game all in all but it didn't have the gripping sense of terror that XCOM had on me (those night terror missions...just thinking of them makes me want to tear the power cord out of the socket). Glad to say that Xenonauts is giving me back that old feeling of "Ohhh...s*%@#t, medic! we're under heavy crossfire! Where's Sgt. Teddy?! He'll know what to do !"
  21. Chris - I tried 4 times to dl the standalone version only to get a corrupt zip file each time. The Desura auto-update appears to be fine though
  22. It was plannned (i think) that your base is a flying carrier or something like that...
  23. Seems like they are cutting their losses - their original idea was over ambitious with the whole sea warfare thing and they cut out content and split it into two different games. Might as well called shadow over earth as dlc of battle for mercury
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