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Everything posted by raziel1981

  1. Knightpt - its extremely unlikely that the alien races will be changed. Take it or leave it
  2. there's the AK47 and the Soviet equivalents to all the tier 1 weapons in the game in the assets library. It was put there as a "premade-mod" pack. You can easily edit the relevant files and put it instead/as well with the NATO weapons
  3. better off having a color code say green to red to express cover percentage, much clearer without the added digits on the screen EDIT: flashman beat me to it However, I think green for optimal cover and red for worst cover makes more sense
  4. If the names issue it you that much just mod it into the game? Shouldnt be that difficult i reckon
  5. here's a few thoughts I have regarding sci-fi DLC 1) bipedal mechs as vehicles in ground combat (yeah i'm ripping this off from the assets directory but if it isn't meant for final development anyway, why not make a mod / dlc for it)? 2) Exoskeletons for ground soldiers. 3) Nanotechnology - can come in many ways by wearing a special suit, contributing to attributes (*cough* crysis *cough*). Or as pills/medicine that soldiers can take in combat. Much like a medikit, with nanobots augmenting their abilities. Or perhaps as a weapon like a dart gun that on impact injects its target (mechanical or organic) with nanites that wreck havoc on their target.
  6. 1) there's also alien base attacks, terror missions (in human cities of course) and Xenonauts base attack. There's also of course the final mission. I believe there should also be a "reclaiming fallen country" mission but i didn't play far enough to run into that. 2) That's a known issue, one would to deal with it is using the scout car/hunter as it has a much bigger site then soldiers or using sight squad smartly. regarding your ps - it actually makes perfect sense cause the one behind the guy that's ducking won't shoot right into his friend unless he's a complete idiot...
  7. Loved the idea of the flamethrower and the mortar both sounds like tons fun. However splitting anything into a 2 men crew might require significant changes to the code so i dont think that would be feasible and if you do manage to get it done it would be great if you will tell others how you got it done so it would pave the way for other 2 men weapons (gatling/.50 cal anti material rifle to name a few)
  8. Got it, its a real great feeling being part of this moment. Go TEAMMMM GOLDHAWK!
  9. Majoring isn't the same as graduating in physics is it? But yeah that is damn impressive, Codus! Had in my old research group a Mathematician that also had a a MSc in Biology and PhD in Chemistry. But an MD with a physics' major is sure as hell a different bird altogether
  10. Biologists dont know really anything of anything in the first place. Physics are the only true scientists (just teasing, theoretical chemist myself)
  11. Great news GJ, finally these two bugs can be stomped good and for all time. Amen
  12. if their was a "move" to apply first aid to yourself, then yeah that would make it much more reasonable instead of another randomized condition pushed into the game.
  13. Sable Wyvren- indeed, while originally the air combat wasn't a selling major point of the original game, this is actually something that Xenonauts got so much better! This is a big part of the reason why i am very much against the indestructible planes thing, cause it would take a very fun aspect of the game (as is) and turn it into a joke.
  14. point taken Gauldlike and agreed upon. Nevertheless, this does seem to me like another mile stone in the recent ideas that have been brought up (as well as designer choices) that are brought up to kill the challenge of the game.
  15. fact is if a medic isn't around you and you're injured in combat to the point that you have a bleeding open wound, you're dead unless you have a really fast transport out of the battle field
  16. Would their CO be named "St. Lazarus"? I dont see how an injured soldier in the middle of combat spontaneously stabilizes. Thumbs down on this suggestion
  17. Lightzy - thats so convinient for you as the general direction that Chris is talking about aligns just with how you want things regarding this issue. I'll remember that in the future when perhaps a change to the game might pop up that you won't like and this time, the team's idea will be different from yours.
  18. Chris, it feels like the central strategy to dealing with more and more bugs recently has become "lets make unlimited this or unlimited that" in the name of one simplification or other. I honestly don't think that this is the right kind of approach to deal with the various technical problems that have risen in the last few weeks. I have the utmost respect for your team and this project, but some of the recent designing choices seem like someone had a serious OD of "F*#kitall". I understand that you guys are under a great deal of pressure due to the game going live on steam, but this shouldn't come at the cost of having (what I believe to be) the OGs spirit getting snuffed out like that. Especially, since the OG is the main reason most of us supported this project in the first place.
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