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Everything posted by raziel1981

  1. Its truly a sad day for this game that the immortal plane bs made it in
  2. already backed in on the end of the first day looks like its gonna be a great game if not somewhat different from Syndicate Wars
  3. I'm not sure I understand your idea Jemar, but a Xenonauts novel already exists, aka "Crimson Dagger" by Stephen Lee
  4. wow thats some amazing stuff cspurce! way to go!
  5. From my exp as a chemistry grad student i can tell you that every week is full of gross negliegence when it comes to practicing safety in the labs on my floor. Tying your hair back? Pfft...please thats for silly undergrad students that we torture and terrorize as their lab instructors.
  6. field gear. goes better with the whole "helmets"=boss theme of the game
  7. stun weapons should be researched in stages - stun baton then stun nade and/or stun missle. Currently the stun nade is completely OP since you can stun your way through any major mission (big ships/ terror sites/ base attack/ alie bases)
  8. Well they got my money. A syndicate remake - count me in!
  9. seems like quite an awesome mode Walrus, can't wait to see it finished! And yeah - adding a .50 Cal is a must imho to such a mod.
  10. just seen the new Casesan's close up picture in the autopsy - fantastic work! Also prefer the new hidden movement over the v19 build 1. MUCH better In fact better then the original hidden movement that was in the game
  11. Sathra - I made that comment as an opinion for the devs, not cause it bothers me so much that I had to change it when i play it now. But thanks for the tip anyway
  12. that it never lets me see the stuff that i should be able to see... hmm come to think of it, i hate how it looks too. Instead of understanding that now happens enemy action that my forces don't see it I just get someone sticking a paper in my face while the game proceeds. And the "alien turn" is also annoying. Might as well as remove that.
  13. I tried out the new exp build last night and I really disliked the new hidden movement screen. Even as an original X-COM fanatic I'd rather have the hidden movement removed completely or kept as it was originally then left as it is in the new build.
  14. Waladil - yeah that would be the one. But in Xenonauts with no psychics that would be a very tough challenge. Even against a light scout
  15. great dialog Max...wondering if their will be a sequel to it
  16. a medal for surviving a mission from the beggining to the end - ALONE. Muhahahahaha
  17. I agree with jazzglands on this. Damn shame. Such a waste of great art
  18. Great stuff Max, can't wait to see the Andron and wraith versions
  19. I for one think its a great idea, although I don't see it making into the game, maybe suggest it to the guys making UFO 2 ET?
  20. Loved that posted screen Chris. Really gives the feel of how outlandish the research gets and the "alienation" of humans caused by it
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