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Everything posted by raziel1981

  1. can confirm this problem too, tried an old save. Will try a new game later. apparently i'm not getting the "alien seen" icon either (neither the red or yellow one).
  2. Its a great game so far, got the deluxe edition on pre-order. A bit disappointed with the unit animations but otherwise its really a great game. AI wiped me out in 19 turns...*whimpers in the corner*
  3. Just wanted to ask - is it supposed to be impossible to shoot using the Buzzard armor in flight?
  4. Noticed on a terror site that whenever I use a medikit on a soldier wearing Buzzard or wolf armor. Can be easily reproduced using the following save Aut.sav Aut.sav
  5. Just wanted to say that I'm glad you made it. I know my share of people who served in IDF that were in the last Lebannon war (I also served my time in IDF but my unit wasn't activated in that last war) and deal with its PTSD from it and probably will deal with it for the rest of their lives. I honestly hope your mod will get the treatment and care that it deserves, you did some amazing work.
  6. yeah i've been anxious for this release myself. Preordered it as soon as it popped up on gog
  7. Here are the before (yoav 3) and after (autosave...) the terror site saves. Aut.sav yoav 3.sav Aut.sav yoav 3.sav
  8. And here is the obligatory save game attached ground combat 2.sav ground combat 2.sav
  9. This one is another classic bug that appeared on the terror site mission I had yesterday - terror site ends after i killed the last enemy which was a reaper zombie. I got to to see the animation of it turning into a reaper but then the mission ended.
  10. On the same terror site in Miami I mentioned earlier, a light drone's animation turned into just its shadow after loading the mission (it sorted itself out on the aliens' turn). Sorry I didn't attach the save, I'll look it up when I get home if it still available.
  11. While dealing with a terror site in Miami (I'll post a save game later if i didn't overwrite it), I noticed that their some tiles were visualized on the ground combat map as black impassable tiles which shots could go through in both ways (had a firefight with some Sebillians that were hidden in a house while my troops were on the road outside the house). Managed to complete the site as is, but this is obviously a problem. I'll try and get a screenshot later today.
  12. I had something similar happen to me on a sebillian terror site on miami. However, in my case after I completed the site, the popups came up and when i hit cancel on them (since i already did it), it popped up a "terror site nuked" message. Really annoying, especially considering how many times I tried to complete that t. site and failed...
  13. Great work Chris & co. Its been a great ride!
  14. just a thought i had from this thread, what if you had the option to execute on the field a soldier that is panicing/berzerking in order to "realign" the soldiers morale in GC? That would be very Soviet Unionish Just a thought anyway, could make an interesting mod.
  15. i gave up on trying to finish this since i usually have about 2-4 hours a week to play these days (if not every two weeks) and usaully by the time i make any significant progress in the game, a new update comes along and makes my older saves useless. So yeah, might as well as go the long haul and wait for it to be complete when I can play non-iron man
  16. Of course we could also counter the possibility of a nation turning on the Xenonauts by allowing a reclamation operation (this could be limited only to a limited number of countries that the player failed. I seem to recall that their was some discussions about such ops some time after/during the kickstarter (I could be wrong about this, my memory is horrible and i'm to lazy to forum search this properly). Regardless, it could always be a special kind of mission (like a base attack or alien base) that would be insanely hard with the civs/local security actually turning against the Xenonauts together with the aliens.
  17. +1 with Max on this. Being a perfectionist in life as well as a gamer, a game that forces my hand like firaxis's xcom to accept that i cant have it all is the kind of game that makes me angry. You don't want me to get angry...*skin starts changing into green*
  18. Awesome work a333 and Max, can't wait to see the base attack art I think that is the last one that is left right ? In anycase, awesome mod!
  19. Yeah I believe I pointed it out previously http://www.goldhawkinteractive.com/forums/showthread.php/3587-UFO-Extraterrestrials-2-seems-to-have-fallen-off-the-map/page11 Actually their has been a massive burst of traffic (relatively speaking for Chaos Concept). They got a paid spoke's person to communicate on the forum, their uploaded pictures of several alien ships and are quite frequently (around once a week) updating the website with new content. Oh and they of course moved the release date to Q2 2014 (again...). But I think that this is the big one, they certainly seem to be gearing up for a release.
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