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Everything posted by Kouki

  1. If you haven't changed any of the difficulty parameters, then yeah armour worn by your soldiers will get destroyed when they are downed. You can disable this by ticking the option before the campaign starts (screenshot below). Although I guess the wording could be better as they're not necessarily dead if they succeeded the rng roll. Will bring this up with Chris and maybe we change the wording on the option, thanks!
  2. Thanks for the bug report. That's rather concerning, this is a bug that's been around for quite awhile, though I thought we've already fixed it. I'll bring this up with the rest of the team but it might take a while to get fixed as it's quite hard to reproduce (the only way to reproduce it is by having the exact reproduction steps that led to the bug) EDIT: By any chance, do you have the save file for this? If you have an end of turn save, if not, any save prior to the visual bug happening? We'd like to try reproducing it on our end.
  3. Thanks for the bug report! What difficulty were you playing on? If you're playing on Commander, part of the preset is armour destruction when your soldier gets downed. If this option is disabled on your campaign, then indeed this is a bug. Do you have a save file that we can look into to find out what's going on? Preferably a GC save with the downed soldier before the mission ended, thanks!
  4. Thanks for the quick response! Yeah, it seems like getting a soldier downed is one of the triggers for this bug. We'll look more into this and see if we can find out what's causing it, unfortunately this bug has been eluding us for quite some time now so it's been rather difficult and getting it fixed might take a while.
  5. Thanks for the bug report! I was able to repro the UFO just standing still on the map w/ the unknown altitude but it always is targetable (clicking on it works). I'll bring this issue up with the rest of the team but I just wanted to clarify what you meant by not being targetable by the dragonfly. Were you not able to click on the dragonfly and set the non-moving UFO as the target?
  6. Thanks, I'll give your saves a check. Do you remember anything specific that might've happened to those soldiers, i.e., getting downed in battle but surviving after the mission, etc? It looks like the bugged soldier is on 6% HP, so he might've gotten downed in a battle which might've triggered this to happen. The bug is most likely a corner case as well and that would make it hard to reproduce unless we have an idea of what action led to the bug happening. Btw, we really appreciate the help, thanks a lot!
  7. Thanks for the quick reply! We'd very much appreciate if we can take a look at the save, even if it wasn't a ground combat save it might still help us figure out what's going on. The saves should be in My Documents/My Games/Xenonauts-2/Saves
  8. Thanks for posting a bug report! Do you have a save file before the mission ended? We'll need to take a look and see what's causing the colonel to get stuck in the 'on mission' status to get it fixed, thanks!
  9. Alright cool, thanks for the heads up!
  10. Hello there, thanks for the bug report! We'll look into this, but can you change the drive settings so we can access the file? Thanks!
  11. Welcome to the forums and thanks for taking the time to post here! Unfortunately, being an ironman save, it looks like there is no save file prior to the crash as it seems like the f11 save was after the interception? We'll look at the crash logs and will investigate the cause of the bug from there. Thanks for the bug report!
  12. Talked about the bug with the shield upgrading mid flight with the team last night and the consensus is that we'll most likely leave how it works as is. This is because preventing the shield from being upgraded on soldiers mid-flight is going to end up requiring us to make a bunch of stuff to support this and as such will cost us a lot of dev time (which is always in short supply!). For now we'll just have to make do with Captain America being Chief Engineer in disguise
  13. Hey there, thanks for posting a bug report! The fastest way to solve this would be upload your campaign save file so we can take a look at what happened as to why you're not getting the option to use missiles. I tested this on my end and was able to equip the missiles after the engineering project so something might be going on indeed. I'll link the thread Chris made for looking up your saves below. One small thing to check is, in case you built an early secondary base, is to see whether you might have started the engineering project on a new base that might not have engineers on it. We had a bug report similar to yours quite recently (they weren't able to make laser batteries), and the issue was that they started a project on a base w/o engineers. Might be worthwhile check that one out, just in case!
  14. Thanks for the reply! While the secton running in your turn is intended as part of a random roll when you kill a Psyon, the lack of pop-up that notifies of this event is indeed a bug. We're working on getting it fixed!
  15. Hey there, thanks for the bug report! Yeah, that is indeed rather interesting... I will have to bring this up with the rest of the team and see what they think! Also iirc the compiled bug report file usually contains the last 5 saves, plus it makes a save at the time you pressed F11.
  16. Thanks for taking the time to post a bug report. By enemy units moving on your turn, are these Sectons? Sectons have a mechanic that has a chance of making them flee whenever a Psyon is killed. When the fleeing action is triggered, there's usually a pop-up that states what happened, but there's currently a bug when the Secton is hidden in the fog of war, this pop-up doesn't happen, and as such makes it seem like the secton is making a move on your turn. We're currently working on getting this fixed!
  17. Thanks for the reply! Glad to hear that we were able to help
  18. Thanks for posting a bug report! Unfortunately, I can't download your save as it requires requesting access, can you change the drive permissions so we can access the file?
  19. Thanks for the bug report! Was the disappearing armour bug happening when equipping any of the soldiers prior to the dropship mission? Also, is this bug reproducible from loading the save file in the bug report you've provided? I tried loading the save and changing armour for the soldiers prior to launching the dropship but couldn't get the armour to disappear. I'll attach the one I loaded, which is the save file prior to the terror mission spawning, can you check whether the bug still happens on your end? Thanks! EDIT: Just to make sure, were you unequipping armour on the unassigned or dropship tab? Equipping armour from the unassigned tab is basically just a preview of what will be equipped once the soldier is assigned to a dropship, as such it does not take from your stockpile.
  20. Thanks for the bug report! We'll give this one a look
  21. Thanks for the bug report! Do you have the save file for the cleaner base mission? We might be looking at two separate bugs here, sentry turrets destruction state not being updated is a known bug that was fixed before iirc and it might be a separate bug from the cleaner base not ending.
  22. Thanks for the bug report! Can you recall how that happened, or if you still have it, upload the save file here so I can take a look at what's going on? EDIT: Nvm, was able to reproduce the bug
  23. Thanks for the bug report! I'll have to go through each of the bugs you've reported below. Cleaner ambush - The reward comes in the form of an item called "Cleaner Supplies" which you can sell for 50k each. You get 2 per truck, and 1 for a damaged truck. Floating destruction particles - I can't quite remember if we've fixed this before, will have to check it with the rest of the team. Do you remember what kind of mission it was or the biome that the mission took place in when you encountered this bug? A save file would also be quite helpful if you have one! Machine gun hit chance - I've tried reproducing this but it seems to work properly on my end, in that the hit chance seem to work normally. Do you have a save file where I can try to reproduce this scenario? Dropship path - This is not necessarily a bug but a design choice. While an accurate 2d visualization of the planet should indeed use curved lines, we've made the choice to 'gamify' this aspect as it's just simpler to understand, and iirc we've gotten reports in the past of people complaining why the paths aren't straight instead. VIP extract - Looks like the mission is bugged, we'll get this one fixed
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