I'm sorry to hear that you're running through a bunch of issues with your recent playthrough. Some of these bugs are rather interesting and we'd appreciate if we can get a handle on the save file, preferably both for the turn on which you've taken the screenshot and before the mission started (before combat autosave).
I'll have to some more questions as well regarding the bugs you've reported,
-> Uninstaller not removing settings, savegames, etc: If this is on Steam, save games are stored on the cloud unless you disable this option on Steam's settings, for the settings and etc., these files are usually in Documents > My Games > Xenonauts 2 and are not deleted so that it doesn't reset user settings upon re-installation.
-> Hazmat cleaners shooting through obstacles: This could either be just bad rng or a genuine bug, providing a save would help us a lot in checking this one out and would be much appreciated!
-> Flame and smoke on water: Will bring this up with the rest of the team!
-> Floating cleaners and MARS: This is a rather strange one, and we'd very much appreciate if you can provide a save file (both prior to the mission and on the turn you took the screenshot)
-> Palm tree destruction not visually updating: Will have to take a look into it if the palm tree has assets for a destroyed state or if its bugged
-> Some of the bushes not blocking movement: Most likely an asset setup issue, should be an easy fix