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Everything posted by Kouki

  1. Thanks, we'll look into it and get it fixed
  2. Sorry, I can't quite understand what you mean by making ufo mission 4x? By action point, do you the Operation Cost/Points in the Geoscape layer?
  3. Thanks, unfortunately there's currently a bug on our bug reporter tool as well, which results in the bug report file being empty sometimes. We're working towards getting this fixed asap!
  4. Thanks for the bug report! We'll look into it and figure out what's going on
  5. That's strange, tried loading your save and was able to load in to the tropical map normally. Were you able to load into the battleship mission if it was on a separate biome (farm, etc.)
  6. Thanks for the bug report! This crash is most likely caused by the enemy turn on the terror mission, rather than having the game on the background. We're looking into getting that bug fixed asap!
  7. Thanks for the heads-up, yeah I believe this is just a missing asset, but I'll bring this up with the team anyway, just in case
  8. Thanks, I believe this is a known issue but I'll double check it with the team
  9. Thanks for the report! Yeah we're aware of this one and we'll get it fixed asap
  10. Thanks for the report! Unfortunately it isn't reproducible from the save, but we'll look into it and get it fixed!
  11. Thanks for the bug report! We've fixed this bug on milestone 5, which is in the experimental branch at the moment. You can switch over to said branch if you'd like to but do be warned that milestone 4 campaigns are not compatible with milestone 5, and the current experimental build is much less stable than the last milestone 4 build!
  12. Thanks, we're aware of this bug and we're working towards getting it fixed asap!
  13. Thanks for the bug report! Is the bug still happening on 5.5?
  14. Late reply but glad to hear it sorted things out for you! Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year
  15. Thanks for the report, we've made some fixes to the crashes happening during AI turns on 5.5, please let us know if you're still experiencing crashes on the latest patch!
  16. Hey there, thanks for the report, does the game still crash on your end even after 5,5 got released?
  17. Thanks for the bug report! We've released 5.5 which includes some fixes on AI causing crashes on its turn, please let us know if you're still experiencing these crashes on the latest patch.
  18. Thanks for the report! Do the crashes still happen after 5.5 got released?
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