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Everything posted by Kouki

  1. Hey there, thanks for making the effort to create an account and posting a bug report here! Unfortunately I couldn't download the save and logs from the link you've posted as it requires access permission, would you mind uploading the saves and logs directly here? You can simply drag and drop the files when replying to this post to automatically attach it, thanks!
  2. Sorry, but I have to clarify with this, do you mean that door tiles should be revealed when entering rooms? Rather than the player having to search for the doors? Thanks
  3. Thanks, when does the crash exactly happen? I tried loading the save and ending the turn and it doesn't seem to crash on my end
  4. As Avaren kindly provided, you'll have to switch to the Legacy Branch of Xenonauts 2 to continue playing on your 1.33b save file.
  5. Greyed out like this right? Can you try right clicking on the weapons and other items to see if that unequips it?
  6. If you got a crash on groundcombat, we'd like to take a look at your save and output.log file too, thanks!
  7. Thanks for the bug report, and going through the trouble of getting a stacktrace! The bug does seem related to laser (specifically advanced laser as only that category of weapons regenerate ammo), do you have the save file for this campaign? If you're playing on experimental the game will also write on the output.log file on runtime so that would also be of great help to us! The .json save file is located at Documents/My Games/Xenonauts 2/Saves, the output.log file is located in Xenonauts2/Logs (same directory as Saves), if you could upload your save file here we'd appreciate that a lot!
  8. Hey there, good to see you here! Thanks for providing the save, I'll take a look at the save and the other bug you've posted and we'll get this fixed, Thanks! EDIT: Both bugs doesn't seem to be reproducible from loading the save unfortunately, can you try switching to the experimental version of the game and reproduce the crash so that it'll generate a log file when it crashes? Thanks a lot!
  9. Nice bug tracking skills! Anyway I was able to reproduce this easily, adding caret to the names for the soldiers indeed causes crashes. We're going to get this one fixed, though for now I guess no carets for Vick unfortunately! Thanks a lot for taking the time to report it to us!
  10. For the first bug, as Avaren kindly provided, you can edit your unassigned soldiers' loadout by clicking on the hangar like icon below the dropships, like so. For the second issue, regarding the soldiers stuck on recovery, this is indeed a bug. We're working on a fix for this bug and the patch should be out this week, thanks for the bug report!
  11. We've made a fix for this issue which should come in the next patch around this week, just hold on a little longer Thanks for reporting the bug btw!
  12. Yeah, the bug with the turrets is related to the destruction states not updating iirc, which we're hoping to fix once we've migrated to Unity 2022 (Milestone 3)
  13. Die nicht übersetzten Teile, die in Ihrem Spiel auftauchen, bedeuten höchstwahrscheinlich, dass der gleiche Fehler auch bei anderen nicht-englischen Benutzern auftritt. Danke, dass Sie sich die Zeit genommen haben, uns darauf aufmerksam zu machen. Wir werden uns das ansehen und beheben. Bitte zögern Sie nicht, weitere Fehlerberichte zu posten, wenn Sie welche finden, danke!
  14. Vielen Dank für die Meldung des Fehlers. Ich benutze einen Übersetzer, um Ihnen zu antworten, daher entschuldige ich mich, wenn es in der Übersetzung Probleme gibt. Ich wollte nur sicherstellen, dass der Fehlerbericht, den Sie gemacht haben, sich auf die nicht übersetzten Teile (noch auf Englisch) des Fotos bezieht, das Sie zur Verfügung gestellt haben. Wenn das der Fall ist, dann werde ich das mit Chris besprechen und wir werden das Problem beheben. Nochmals vielen Dank, dass Sie sich die Zeit genommen haben, den Fehler zu melden.
  15. Yep, was easily reproducible on my end, thanks a lot for providing the save! We'll look into it and get this fixed
  16. Yeah, it's the ladders being a separate gameobject from the container causing it to remain after the container was destroyed, that's one of the bugs on our list that we're yet to fix, we'll get to it eventually. Thanks for taking the time to report the bug though!
  17. We'll be releasing a hotfix intended to fix this problem and a bunch of other urgent bugs, hopefully today, but definitely as soon as possible!
  18. Yeah was able to repro the second one rather easily, not sure if it's an issue in asset setup of the affected wall tile or with the way vision is handled in the game so I'll have to ask Chris and the team regarding this
  19. Thanks for the bug report guys, we'd really like to get a save file before the overwatch fire happened (so a save file before the enemy turn when the overwatch gets triggered) so we can take a look at what's causing the issue as this bug is quite intermittent. Thanks!
  20. Thanks for the bug report, do you still have the save file when this happened? We'd like to take a look, thanks!
  21. Thank you for taking the effort to post a bug report on our forums, we appreciate it! It's also good to know that you're enjoying the game too! As for the bug, this is a currently known issue regarding destruction states not updating correctly, we intend to address this issue on milestone 3 (we're working on it but it's a few months from now) when we move to a newer version of Unity. For the meantime, please bear with us!
  22. Yeah I think we're currently still lacking the light variant for the 3d models, I'll double check with the team just to be sure.
  23. Yeah that does seem the case unfortunately, This bug is going to be addressed on Milestone 3 iirc so might take a little bit more down the line
  24. Nice catch, we'll get this one fixed, thanks EDIT: Alright, this was an oversight on my end. The cover is functioning as intended. It just doesn't count as cover because the soldier was adjacent to it, my bad!
  25. Thanks for the info, ultimately it might be a bug with how the ladders are setup as I was able to repeatedly reproduce the bug now, but we'll get this fixed eitherway!
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