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Posts posted by Kouki

  1. 12 hours ago, Xeferah said:

    Symbiote clips are not listed as junk, but so far I could also not research it. Is this intended, or a bug? I'm keeping the clips for now as I don't need the cash at the moment, but it would be cool if those could be researched at some point.



    Thanks, we'll give this one a look. As for the research option, will have to ask Chris about it to make sure but I think the biter autopsy research just hasn't been implemented yet

  2. 2 hours ago, Xeferah said:


    I'm gonna add to this, I have the same bug. This happened on the Alien Base assault. I added an auto-save. I can replicate the bug. Just press 'end turn' and you should get a part of the map revealed when it's your turn again.

    auto_groundcombat_turn_2_end-412.json 3.53 MB · 1 download


    Was able to reproduce the buggy shroud reveal from your save, this will be very helpful, thanks a lot!

  3. 19 hours ago, pwd said:

    I think you can tell if the corpses projects have been completed by checking the training rate. In my completed game save I see that the training rate is 5. If that is not the maximum then I would say that this is evidence of the bug, as I have a lot of corpses.

    Hey there, just checked in the save and it seems like you've done the engineering projects for all of the alien types, had to sift through all the finished research/engineering projects but below are the projects you've completed and I think it covers all alien types (I don't think biters have a corpse analysis project yet)


  4. 19 hours ago, pwd said:

    iron_man-1409.json 1.34 MB · 0 downloads

    I only have a save from before I started the overarching mission. Don't know if the squad matches what I used. If all the humans have mind shields (or bravery>90) then it is the same squad and loadout that I used. I used four Ares anyway.

    Thanks for the save, unfortunately still couldn't reproduce it from this. But we'll try to give it a look and see what's going on

  5. 12 hours ago, svidangel said:

    It seems like the harvester ship specifically doesn't count the top floor. Not sure if that is because it is treated as a 3 floor ship and the 3rd floor is empty - the fourth floor is actually the 3rd floor you can get to?


    The fourth floor with the bridge ALSO does not count as capturable - if I move the whole squad up to the bridge I no longer get notifications that xenonauts are in control of the UFO.

    Yup, that seems to be the case, we'll get it fixed

    • Like 1
  6. 6 hours ago, Von_Emmy said:

    Yes, I'm able to load into some Farm Biome Maps.
    I tried three additional times loading the provided before_battle and by just clicking on Commence Tactical Battle, the first two of three attempts were unsuccessful even after 12min of loading whilst stuck at 90%. But the third time did succeed loading a Farm Biome Map.

    Additionally I also tried three different ways, but all three succeeded including the folowing:
    Intermitting the first two attempts, I succeeded loading the before_battle, but instead of just commencing I first clicked on Return to Base in order to check the Biome, which showed as of Farm.
    In all three of those additional, successful attempts I've been aware that it's supposed to load a Farm Biome Map, because that's what it showed before attempting.

    My conclusion is, that there seems to be at least one map, that is somehow bugged and can't be loaded.
    And that it might have something to do with Biome dedication.
    Because, although possible, it is very unlikely that I made a misstake whilst making my User Save calling it of Tropical Biome.

    Thanks for the response, we looked into this and it's basically because of a bugged asset that's been painted on a particular map, pretty much bricking it. This should get fixed on the next patch

  7. On 12/31/2024 at 1:37 AM, PawelT said:

    I have day 486 and no battleship has appeared so far.

    Ironman, difficulty level - modified commander.


    bug_report_2024-12-30-18h33_st_5.5.0_user_f11.zip 1004 B · 0 downloads

    Thanks for the report! This bug report zip file seems to be bugged (there';s currently an issue with the bug reporter tool sometimes not capturing the needed files in the zip), can you do another F12 so we can look into it? Alternatively you can just handover a save from the campaign, that works too!

  8. On 1/1/2025 at 8:24 AM, pwd said:

    Have plenty of corpses but the corpses category in engineering is persistently greyed out.

    iron_man-1144.json 1.02 MB · 0 downloads

    Have you finished the engineering projects for the corpses? Will have to verify this with Chris but I think there's only one corpse analysis project per alien now, instead of having several tiers before. So if you've already finished each alien's project once, then there won't be any additional I think

  9. On 1/3/2025 at 3:02 AM, svidangel said:

    Some objects don't disappear after being destroyed and can be walked through. Also I am able to see into the next room despite never entering it and having no actual line of sight after using an alenium charge. See person standing in object and the room to the "top"

    user_damaged_wall_alien_base-14.json 3.45 MB · 0 downloads


    This is probably because the object doesn't have its destroyed state setup, will look into this.


    On 1/3/2025 at 3:19 AM, svidangel said:

    Slightly related, these things in the alien base really look like you should be able to see past them. Probably change the visual or the visibility.


    Will look into this as well.



    On 1/3/2025 at 3:28 AM, svidangel said:

    Doors do not appear even though under  the circumstances they should be closed.

    user_door_visibility-15.json 3.37 MB · 0 downloads



    Edit: Actually the visibility tag seems to be switched - interacting with that door then causes it to "close" but now I can see through it.


    Is this the case for all the blast doors or just this one? If it's only that specific door, then this is most likely the same bug that has been plaguing us for a long time (blast door visual state)



    On 1/3/2025 at 3:45 AM, svidangel said:

    Not sure if intended, but you need to actually move a character in the alien base command center to get the other units to show up. They can't just start the turn in control of the command center. Not a huge deal but was a little confusing when it first happened.

    This is a known issue and we'll get to it eventually!

  10. On 1/4/2025 at 4:11 AM, Balcothedog said:

     This is my first time making a bug report for a game, so bear with me.  

    The game doesn't crash and gives me no error screen, but it will not continue after the second andron in vision moves.  The bug_report_2025-01-03-13h36 file is from the main menu, from which I was able to load the first "end of turn" autosave, press end turn and repeat the bug.  The bug_report_2025-01-03-13h48 file is from during the hardlock (after end turn has been pressed and the game spends several minutes staring at a stationary andron saying "enemy activity")


    some notes on how the game was playing:

    The enemy turns took noticeably longer for both friendly activity and enemy activity during the terror mission.


    bug_report_2025-01-03-13h36_mm_5.5.0_user_f11.zip 7.18 MB · 0 downloads bug_report_2025-01-03-13h48_gc_5.5.0_user_f11.zip 9.2 MB · 0 downloads

    Thanks for taking the time to post a bug report! Yeah, there's currently a bug with the game on terror missions during enemy turns. We're working on getting that fixed asap!

  11. On 1/4/2025 at 12:01 PM, pwd said:

    Unit carrying a shield with >50TU could not move in top floor of battleship. It was beside another unit that had just become mind-controlled.

    Do you still have the save file for this? Would very much appreciate if you could upload it here as this might be a niche case that might be difficult to reproduce, thanks!

  12. On 1/4/2025 at 4:47 PM, Von_Emmy said:
    • Description:
      During Stage 1 of Operation Endgame on a tactical save many invisible Enemies started to appear.
    • What Happened: 
      After taking a short beak I restarted the game and loaded a tactical save of the first Stage of Operation Endgame.
      While continuing to play I quickly became aware that there were some invisible Enemies around, which were only detectable by Tile Scanning and weren't otherwise shown to be in sight.
      Their corpses became visible though.

      There were also many other oddities going on on this map, which may or may not be related:
      - short (1-2 seconds) lags when destroying any (or at least some) cover object (like stones or those single tile holographical alien control interface devices/desks for example).
      - some destroyed cover objects didn't disappear (like stones or those single tile holographical alien control interface devices/desks for example).
      - sometimes not disappearing Combat Shields when destroyed.
      - map reveal (like being able to see areas that haven't been observed yet)
      - and beeing able to see hidden enemy movement in all unshrouded areas.
      - no HP and Armour nor inflicted Damage was shown on any enemy unit.
      - from second or third turn onwards, spawning enemies every other turn, unlike description / mission briefing (8 Turns if i remember correctly).
      - maybe more I can't remember
    • Further information:
      • Campaign started at 5.2.0 Steam Version on fresh reinstall, currently at 5.5.0
      • For my computer's technical specs and such please check this BugReport's specific attachement for example.
      • Included save files:
        - "user_day_368_operation_endgame_rdy-176.json" from right before clicking the Operation Endgame Button, as the auto save "before_combat" is not available anymore.
        - "user_day_368_operation_endgame_t6_ongoing-177.json" the bespoke tactical save, just for sake of completion. At the end of turn 6, during the enemy turn, I first became aware of this problem. (ScreenShots should be from at the start of Turn 7):

        - and finally "user_day_368_operation_endgame_t7_bug__invisible_enemies-178.json" as the save file i made in order to report this bug - ckeck the following ScreenShots for reference and also take note of the missing indicator for enemies in sight (i.e. the orange or red alien head at the bottom center of the screen above the soldier specific UI):

    Yeah, there's a bug causing reinforcement units in the orbital wave defense mission and end game mission to spawn invisible enemies due to the units mesh renderes being disabled, we'll get it fixed asap

  13. On 1/4/2025 at 5:43 PM, Von_Emmy said:
    • Description:
      Starting position in Stage 2 of Operation Endgame is missplaced, leading to the possibility of soldiers being trapped insight of flowerbeds.
    • What Happened: 
      As you can see here in the following ScreenShot and by loading the provided save file user_day_368_endgame_stage_2_t1_end-179.json, Soldier 16 is trapped inside a flowerbed.
    • Further information:
      • Campaign started at 5.2.0 Steam Version on fresh reinstall, then continually updated and currently at 5.5.0.
      • For my computer's technical specs and such please check this Attachement which is from this BugReport.
      • As for a "before_combat" I don't think there was one created (for stage 2) and I have lost the one for Stage 1, but you can check this SaveFile which is from right before clicking on the Operation Endgame launch button and been uploaded in combination with this BugReport.
      • Btw., the staring position in UOO-1 Sabotage was also oddly placed and I'm not shure about how it was on UOO-1 Bridge Assault.

    Thanks for the report, we'll get it fixed

  14. On 1/4/2025 at 6:27 PM, Von_Emmy said:
    • Description:
      Wrong "Mouse Over" Description for Advanced Fusion Rifle
    • What Happened: 
      When hovering the mouse cursor over the Advanced Fusion Rifle in Engineering the wrong description (i.e. the one for the basic Fusion Rifle) does appear / pop up.
    • Further information:
      • As for a save check out this SaveFile which is from right before clicking on the Operation Endgame launch button and been uploaded in combination with this BugReport.
      • Campaign started at 5.2.0 Steam Version on fresh reinstall, then continually updated and currently at 5.5.0.
      • For my computer's technical specs and such please check this Attachement which is from this BugReport.

    Nice catch, thanks for the report!

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