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Everything posted by Kouki

  1. Thanks for the report, I tried to load your save and made both the phantom interceptor and the engine upgrade but didn't end up crashing. Were you doing something else while those upgrades happened (attempting aircraft transfer between bases, etc.) or just fast forwarding time?
  2. Sorry, I forgot to include that the ground combat missions need to be started over again for the fix to take effect. If you have a save from strategy/geoscape prior to the mission, that should work!
  3. Hello there, this crash should be fixed by the 5.10 patch. Let us know if that is not the case!
  4. Hello there, can you try to load a save from strategy/geoscape, then start the endgame mission again? It should load into phase 2 properly if the endgame mission was started from scratch.
  5. Can you try loading into a strategy save prior to starting the endgame mission? Phase 2 should load properly if started from a fresh endgame mission
  6. Hello there, thanks for the bug report! This issue should be fixed by the 5.10 patch, please let us know if it's still causing issues!
  7. Hello there, thanks for taking the time to post a bug report! This issue should be fixed by the 5.10 update, please let us know if it's still causing crashes on your end!
  8. Thanks for the report, does the crash still happen on 5.10? We released a patch that should address a crash caused by units capable of mind control (psyon, etc.)
  9. Hello there, thanks for the report! Operation points not doing anything (except the sfx) should be fixed by the 5.10 patch, please let us know if that is not the case!
  10. This should be fixed now on 5.9, granted there's a separate bug that got introduced which is causing the second part of the endgame mission to cause a crash.
  11. Hello there, thanks for taking the time to register and post about the bug you've encountered. This is a known issue, and will be fixed on the next patch.
  12. Thanks for the report. Does the crash happen consistently when you load the before combat save?
  13. Thanks for the report! Yeah, this is a known issue and will get fixed in the next patch
  14. Yeah, this is caused by the UI scaling going a bit wonky on resolutions higher than 1080p. I've got the same UI scaling problems on 1440p as well. We'll take note of it, but it's pretty low prio in the list of stuff we have to fix
  15. This is basically caused by an asset in the particular map the game was trying to load, reloading a before combat save changes the map randomly used for said mission, which should prevent the crashing. We're fixing the map causing the crash and will get the fix out in the next patch!
  16. Yeah, the usb sticks indeed seem bugged. Will check it with the rest of the team.
  17. Yeah, noticed this as well a bit earlier. We'll get it fixed
  18. Thanks for the report, will have to check in with the team whether this is an intended change or an actual bug.
  19. Yeah, this is a known issue primarily caused by the pivot point of the spawned debris models being off from its center, pretty much causing gravity to have wonky effects on it. We'll get it fixed (a bit on the lower end of priority though)
  20. Thanks for bringing this up, will bring this up with the rest of the team and see what they think
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