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  1. Can you make an in-game xenopedia entry about the health of elite/preatorian tier units? the standard tiers already have xenopedia entries, but when playing with hidden health against higher tiers you kinda end up having no idea about their health/armor values without directly looking in the game files.
  2. I did make a thread before this, so I'll just link it and make next posts here.
  3. Some final thoughts: The battleship mission is too easy. You will be engaging them maxed out, and the units aren't any stronger than the one on the harvester. In xeno 1 they had a unique tier of elites, here they don't. Also, every battleship i fought was a sebilian one. Eternal should probably always survive the battleship crash, hunting one for interrogation proved to be really annoying because he kept dying. Electroshock grenades are still pretty op for both capture and suppression purposes. Vanguard armor makes sebilian's gas grenades pointless. intentionally clumping so they grenade you instead of shooting you becomes very beneficial. I think the blast radius should pierce more armor, or just deal slightly more damage. I did not get an opportunity to do a landed ufo ONCE. I Only fought androns in special missions. do they even spawn on ufo's? I wish there was some more weapon variety among aliens. the sebilian mg's and mantids gun were nice (although the latter gets completely replaced) but in x1 there was also an alien sniper, alien shotgun, and an alien cannon (we could an alien gas cannon or something to make rebreather more relevant) sebilian's mg x3 burst takes 45% tu's but they do not shoot AT ALL when suppressed. is that intentional? I have a lot to say about the air game, but I don't think you're focusing on it now so I won't bother. Reapers are complete pushovers, and they only have 2 tiers of units. I wish there were more abduction missions, and an alien version of extract vip mission in the mid-late game. The continent supporter bonuses are not balanced at all. -30% global upkeep vs slightly better recruits is pretty funny. The aliens stopped mind controlling supporters as soon as phase 2 starts. wish there was a bit more of a back and forth there Collosus armor is crap (especially compared to predator's glory days) it does not offer any offensive bonuses, and the defensive bonus isn't worth much because of how much armor destruction fusion weapons have. Wish there was a late game upgrade for stalker armor just like there is for collosus. What the hell does mind war even do? there isn't an explanation for it and I didn't see any effect. The smoke grenades aren't worth using anymore. I used them like twice before completely dropping them from loadouts. This is because the game's extended LOS makes them a lot less needed in general, but also because the smoke effect and radius is just much lower compared to the first game. they just kinda suck now, ESPECIALLY since thermal charges and HEVY let you alpha strike any alien you see. Mars and ARES have one viable loadout where they kick ass, but they suck with every other loadout. The rocket launcher, autorifle, and smoke launcher need some serious buffs. The rifle and MG burst still kinda suck for actually killing stuff, the. 40% base accuracy is way too low even at point blank, you get like 55% cth at 100 accuracy.
  4. Nevermind, the final boss just appears in a side room for some reason lol (also the asset for the plants failed to load or something)
  5. Here it is. I think the final mission is bugged because i killed some eternal in the side room and it immediately finished the mission.
  6. About to do operation endgame. As you can see, the geoscape is really generous across the board.
  7. Sure, here you go. bug_report_2024-12-20-15h15_st_5.3.1_user_f11.zip
  8. This is still incorrectly configured - now the battleship isn't firing at all.
  9. Honestly, I'd make that an 75% increase (or even a 100% increase could be argued). Between electroshock grenades, electroshock weapons and enemies getting better reflexes, batons lose their relevance pretty hard. You could also nerf electroshock grenades's stun a little, they are pretty overpowered because they double as flashbangs.
  10. The "Raid UDO-1" mission has no enemies on it! is is bugged? The "Raid UDO-1" mission has something about destroing cannon power rings, but I have absolutely no idea on how they look like. Maybe attach a picture in a briefing with the side tangent of a chief scientist calling you a caveman?
  11. Let's say that after a crash the funding nation confiscates half of the UFO resource yield + All alien weapons. You still get to keep corpses and captives, so it should be mostly on par with the bounty.
  12. Well, yeah, current implementation is definitely too harsh, 25 panic is quite a lot of monthly funding, so you basically never ever want to do a UFO ever again. The good news is that you still don't really have a resource shortage even if you do that. I think a better implementation would be simply to give a massive penalty to rewards (like the funding nation forces you to "donate" the materials after the crash) so taking the bounty will give you money on par, but without the risk of your soldiers dying (but if you want to just kill aliens you aren't getting punished, it's just riskier and maybe slightly less efficient). Don't think operation points would be a good penalty, since 100 op points is like 40 alloys, and crash sites give way more than that.
  13. That isn't true - just because i want the game to be hard doesn't mean that i want it to be grindy and repetitive. I play exclusively on commander and like the delegation mechanic.
  14. I think fighters should be more common ufos early (in addition to, not replacing other ufos). They grant alienium explosives, a vital upgrade, and when I once screwed up and shot down a fighter over the sea, it delayed alienium explosives by over 40 days. Also, in general more frequent fighters would make for a more engaging air superiority/interceptor gameplay. In general there are very few Ufo's. I built 2 bases with 2 interceptors each, and it turned to be overkill until phase 3 at least. I think light armor being 50% of heavy armor's values is too little, i practically always use soldiers with heavy armor because of it. I think it should be 66% instead, so from 6/12 tactical armor, 10/20 warden armor, 15/30 guardian armor it should be 8/12, 13/20, 20/30. The thermal charges are still completely overpowered and make even the buffed version of HEVY redundant. There are too few cleaner missions. I got a data raid, escort journalist, soldier extraction and after that cleaner hq became available. No ambush or anything.
  15. I did somehow manage to get by the phase 2 crash, so i can get fairly far. 1. If you down more than 2 scouts before phase 2, it does not show the UFO delegation popup. 2. The ufo delegation panic penalty is green, which is obviously confusing 3. The UFO delegation funding increases are not displayed in the funding report. I wish you could see the income breakdown to see all the benefits, from supporters, ufo delegation, and plot research. 4. I like the UFO delegation mechanic, I think it removes a lot of the repetition, but 25 panic is way too harsh of a penalty, especially since panic directly affects funding. I think I'd go with 15 panic + 5 panic for every extra ufo of that type that you take. Also, probably a good idea to make these values configurable on a difficulty slider. 4.1 Since there seems to be a lot of negative feedback regarding the concept of a penalty, a better middle ground could be that instead of a panic penalty the region demands that you share the resources, so you gain much less after a ground mission (like, half if not more), making the bounty more competitive. 5. It's weird that you can see the supporter UI before phase 2 starts. 6. I think the supporter mechanic is still a bit raw. I wish there was a way to get operation points outside of passive income per day.
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