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  1. Hi! I also think that the aircombat minigame needs some further love! Here are my thoughts: I expect the Avalanche torpedos to be modified Harpoon missles. So they should be way more devastating than a simple Sidewinder against light alien vessels, also the larger UFOs should have way stronger armor, reducing incoming missle damage by 90%. This is because bigger UFOs tend to be more like flying ships fittet for space flight and atmospheric entry, rather than agile dogfighting aircraft. So you need a anti-ship missle and not a anti-aircraft missle, they cant do the job with their little warheads. In return hitting a dogfighter alien vessel with a Avalanche torpedo is as hard as hitting a thermal exhaust port on a deathstar. Also here some facts ... F-16 Fighting Falcon Speed : 1.470 km/h (400 m/s) Range : 4.220 km Hardpoints : M61 Vulcan rotary autocannon, six AIM-9 Sidewinder* or two AIM-9 Sidewinder* and two Harpoon** missles F-17 Condor modified against alien vessels Speed : 1.500 km/h (415 m/s) Range : 15.000 km Hardpoints : XCOM autocannon, two XCOM Sidewinder* MiG-31 Foxhound Speed : 2.870 km/h (800 m/s) Range : 3.800 km Hardpoints : GSh-6-23 rotary autocannon, four Vympel R-33*** MiG-32 Foxtrot modified against alien vessels Speed : 2.500 km/h (700 m/s) Range : 20.000 km Hardpoints : Two XCOM Avalanche** torpedos *AIM-9 Sidewinder Warhead weight : 9,4 kg Speed : 3.000 km/h (833 m/s) XCOM Sidewinder Damage : 100 Speed : 3000 km/h (833 m/s) Turnrate : 30 deg/s Fire Range & Lockon : 3.000 m, 2s Radiationseeking Modified XCOM Sidewinder Damage against light armor : 100 Damage against heavy armor : 10 Speed : 3000 km/h (833 m/s) Turnrate : 30 deg/s Fire Range & Lockon : 3.000 m, 2s Radiationseeking ** Harpoon missle Warhead weight : 221 kg Speed : 860 km/h (240 m/s) XCOM Avalanche torpedo Damage : 200 Speed 8.000 km/h (2220 m/s) Turnrate : 5 deg/s Fire Range & Lockon : 7.000 m, 2s Active Radar Modified XCOM Avalanche Torpedo Damage against light armor : 2.000 Damage against heavy armor : 200 Speed : 1.460 km/h (400 m/s) Turnrate : 5 deg/s Fire Range & Lockon : 10.000 m, 2s Active Radar *** Vympel R-33 Warhead weight : 47,5 kg Speed : 5.500 km/h (1.500 m/s) Advanced new XCOM Missle based on Vympel R-33 Damage against light armor : 400 Damage against heavy armor : 40 Speed : 5.500 km/h (1.500 m/s) Turnrate : 15 deg/s Fire Range & Lockon : 7.500 m, 2s Halfactive Radar
  2. Yep the bosom looks really odd, its definetly placed to low. Sounds odd but the nipples should be more in a line with the armpits. Example > Also i think, these women need appropriate hips and have to be a very decent bit less bulky than there male comrades.
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