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  1. Of course I agree wholeheartedly. Combat drugs will eventually kill your troops through overuse. But in exchange it makes you more powerful in only 1-2 turns when you’re desperate.
  2. I've been thinking about alien dissections and how in the early access only give you a flat profit by selling them living or dead. Maybe there should be tech trees allowing you to derrive combat drugs from alien corpses that give your soldiers slight temporary bonuses. At the start some of the drugs can be pretty mundane like painkillers (increase morale temporary) and adrenaline (give 10 to 20 emergency APs). But as the alien war drags on new research into alien biology can give soldiers drugs that let them partly mimic some of the alien powers. For instance regenerative shots made from sebilians that give you a slow regen at the end of every turn if you left 20 APs. Stealth serum which allows a soldier to be immune to alien overwatch for a single turn but deplete their APs for 1 next turn. Or vision enhancers derrived from mantid venom which improves your range by 50% but will reduce it for 2 turns after. Of course this will take into account addiction that will heavily impact your troops in the long run and even kill them outright due to overdose. However if the player chooses they can turn their xenonauts into drug crazed monsters to fight against the alien menace. This will definitely sour relations with certain powers that fund your efforts.
  3. Oh yeah having cleaners actually taking over countries that are destabilized to set up footholds for the aliens in africa, latin america and asia would make a lot of sense. Wouldn't surprised me in the slightest that cleaners would take over widely condemned countries like apartheid africa since they actually had nukes.
  4. Yeah it kinda sucky that we may never see one of the coolest parts of xenonauts ever again. I get why you are frustrated being founder but insulting people for asking is not fruitful to any discusssion. Seriously.
  5. Oh definitely. I would love for an alien vehicle to destroy. And I think I speak for a lot of people in the forums considering we have a thread on3x3 vehicles on a weekly basis.
  6. All of these ideas are great and actually could be a new type of on site missions. Actually defending these off site areas against alien attacks would be great. SAM sites would give an in game reason for how the cleaners stuck around after you kill their main base. Helping the aliens destroy SAM sites allowing them the ability to fly with impunity. While radar towers can be attacked with you needing to station some troops with left over equipment. Probably each bases can have 4 sub radar towers.
  7. Yeah that is the one change that perplexing me as well. For some reason smoke grenades can stun now. Instead of actually having sleep gas grenades we have this boring middle ground that makes no sense. Smoke grenades can’t stun irl.
  8. Eh from what I’ve gathered from what stated by Chris when I asked this recently. It’s not actually impossible but more about being extremely difficult for pathfinding to calculate the movement of a multi tile enemy or your own unit. The first game also had this issue but it wasn’t very pronounced due to the tanks being able to crush everything except for hedgewalls and the UFOs. Chris said it’s preferable to just rebalance the current MARS which simply sucks hard and serve like a bargain bin heavy weapons guy that costs way too much, can be killed by even clearners and way too inaccurate to actually do fire support.
  9. But by the time you actually caught a cleaner and disect them you immediately realize that they are everything but normal with cybernetic implants and some with parts of their brains remove to be controlled directly or communicate with the psyonic aliens better.
  10. Currently the early access has been great but there's a huge minor issue that keeps irking me. That is the fact that soft covers like hay, bushes and hedges can block bullets completely. The rest of the game has been immersive but I can't for the life of me focus when bushes and such can create a 100% block chance for bullets and even stuff like alien plasma. It just doesn't make any sense. Maybe a way to fix this is to give bushes and other folliage only a vision block or lower damage if the projectile hits it. Another weird jankyness we seem to have now is the fact that whenever you toggle between different height levels the soldiers on levels on top like on the roof or containers still clearly visible and some times over lapping onto lower levels. Making it extremely confusing when unless at the right level you can mistake to true position of your troops. Is there a way to make the upper levels partly translucent when toggling or making soldiers of upper levels disappear completely unless on their level. Because the half baked viewing we have now is just really bad. Even worse in later stages of the game with multi level ships or maps with big buildings.
  11. I really don’t think that would be workable at all. But one thing I think there’s ton of potential with factions especially in a setting where the cold war continues into modern day is actually giving the choice for your xenonauts to do optional missions for the warsaw pact and nato to improve relations with them (while also reducing terror). This of course will also give the boon of being able to use their equipment and doing joint research with the factions to create faction exclusive technologies. At one point you can choose to side with one faction or another, staying neutral, or killing both sides to take over the world for yourself. Either way it would unite the entire world against the alien threat.
  12. First of all is increasing their AP to at least 80 and maybe even 100. There should be more reaper variants as well. Maybe armored, stealth and brood beast variants. The armored reapers has the current AP making it more lumbering but capable of shrugging off ballistic weapons, vulnerable to laser and other energy weapons. The stealth one is basically the wraith but melee but way more squishy than the average reaper. The brood beast can create special explosive bloated zombies that spawn 2 to 3 reapers at once.
  13. More enemy varieties would be very much welcome. The 3 floating enemies added in early access now is great. But even back during the beta I was already suggesting more types of weird (even non humanoid) alien auxiliaries to make it more interesting. One simple addition would be a 4 armed radial symmetric alien that basically have no need for facing at all. Which means they can overwatch at any sides, making flanking maneuvers impossible. Another idea are aliens with multiple stages. Maybe a type of alien that starts out as a regular soldier in a containment suit that if broken can turn into a melee monster with a toxic radiation cloud. Other types can be silicon based aliens that are essentially living crystals that is completely immune to lasers, being able to not only deflect beam weapons but can also shoot a power sweaping weapon that can hit multiple targets in a cone. The trade off is ballistic weapons are deadly to them. What the most needed as of now is sniper specialist and explosive specialist aliens. The sniper can be a slug like alien that is extremely slow and squishy but can kill your soldiers from extreme distances. While the explosive alien auxiliary can be a centaur type beast that carry a rocket launcher on its back.
  14. I very much agree with this idea, having both would be very nice. Especially with the current balance in which the MARS basically became irrelevant by the time the mantids and sebillians roll around. Having a tank to tip the scale the moment anti gravity tech is complete would make the addition of more dangerous aliens in the future late game much more bearable.
  15. I think it’s underpowered actually. That’s why I said they serve me better as a bulldozer and demolition vehicle than anything else. They’re basically a soldier with machine gun and grenade launcher but way more expensive, can’t level up and only marginally less squishy. Speaking of which I don’t think anyone were complaining about big unwieldy vehicles in Xenonauts 1 and stuff like Phoenix Point. On the opposite most people seeing an armored car barreling through buildings and killing everything in exchange for taking 4 soldier slots as great.
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