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Everything posted by Emily_F

  1. So this is a game-breaking issue as it is happening all the time. This was the latest one: output.log auto_groundcombat_turn_4_start-47.json
  2. I got the same crash a couple of turns later, again saying out of memory but here is the performance log of my PC (you can see the moment it crashes): output.log
  3. I moved the VIP on this go and I got a CTD as he was walking. I don't know if the save will be helpful as it seemed pretty random so I have attached the logs too. The logs suggest that I ran out of memory, but my PC has 32GB on board (I do a lot of video work) and I am only using half of it when running the game. auto_groundcombat_turn_3_start-36.json output.log
  4. So, previously the shroud issue was confined to something related to doors (or it least it seemed that way) but now it is also the scenery like trees/walls. The tropical rainforest biome seems particularly badly affected making these missions quite difficult as enemies remain hidden. Anyway, I don't know if saves are still useful (let me know if not so I don't waste time sending them) but here you go. auto_groundcombat_turn_2_start-34.json
  5. Same thing happens on the next turn (same save) over here when I open the door.
  6. Note that in this one, even him going into the room doesn't clear the shroud! However, the door by the enemy guy is actually open, and when I knock him out the shroud is cleared.
  7. Here's another shroud not clearing issue. user_shroud-1.json
  8. Hi @Chris the original strength was 85. It was 100 after. Sorry, I didn't realise I had clipped it out!! The post didn't make sense without it lol. But, yeah, now I realise it isn't designed for high-strength trooper.
  9. Yeah, it would be good if the advanced medikit had a chance to revive a soldier on the battlefield but they remain unconscious for the rest of the mission, but you know they've been saved. While we're at it @Chris , the weight increase in the medikits has become prohibitive. Perhaps the introduction of a mini medikit that just fixes bleeding wounds should be introduced that is significantly lighter so can be equipped by most troops, with the full heavy medikit able to repair damage?
  10. Here you go. The highlighted soldier shows it: user_shroud_issue-16.json
  11. Before adding an actuator module: Then after adding one, increasing strength by 15, and only getting +4 carry weight: auto_strategy_after_intercept-194.json
  12. The soldier circled wants to go on top of the container via the ladder on the side, but it won't work. user_ladder_issue-15.json
  13. Ah, sorry I don't have a save from then. I will endeavour to send a save when it happens again.
  14. It's the same save as in the first pic. The highlighted solder in the second pic is the same one highlighted in the pic below:
  15. In the same save, check out the issue shown here where the "fog of war" is not clearing when it should be visible. It happens at the door in the OP too.
  16. The door in the centre of this image is not animating properly when walking thru it. Also, as an aside, I haven't had any data collection missions this run through - have they been taken out? auto_groundcombat_turn_3_start-214.json
  17. Hmmm, that's weird cos that is MARKEDLY different. Perhaps they should have fixed stats? Because to even have the risk of having absolute TOILET troops as a reward for a mission is worse than just getting some naff loot.
  18. So, I just did the rescue mission to get the three "sergeants" and got three absolutely RUBBISH troops that I can't even sell for money. This needs to be fixed! In the pic below, all three Sgts are the "reward"....
  19. @Chris I've still got the MARS issue - I moved it and now I can't use it any more in this save. user_day_17_soldier_extraction_manual_save-1.json
  20. UPDATE: I reloaded the before-mission save and, although I get a different map, the same thing happens with troops not firing and still can't save manually.
  21. OK, two problems. The game won't let me do manual saves (I click ok to save and it returns to the game but no save is made). So attached is the game just prior to the mission. I don't know if it will be repeatable, but the sniper on the right looking out of the tailgate takes a shot at the cleaner by the wall and hits him, but doesn't kill him. Then I tell MARS to take 2 shots and nothing happens, but the TUs are expended. Same with the left hand sniper. Also attached log in case that casts some light. auto_strategy_before_combat-3.json output.log
  22. Yeah, I have always had this even after completely reinstalling on a new PC!! So, for me: Logs are saved locally in C:\Users\dremi\Documents\My Games\Xenonauts 2\Logs Saves go to my OneDrive C:\Users\dremi\OneDrive\Documents\My Games\Xenonauts 2\Saves
  23. I thought that if the non-shooter was crouched they didn't get hit? Or has that changed?
  24. In the picture below, the highlighted soldier was shooting at an alien offscreen, and despite his neighbour being crouched, he got hit. output.log auto_groundcombat_turn_1_start-141.json
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