Thanks for the reply, Chris. I truly loved the last game, and still play it HEAPS but I always felt it would be better with a prone position (that gives associated extra bonuses in exchange for TUs). It at least gave you bonuses for crouching which, if I'm correct, have now been removed. Even with the intermediate tech you develop, you're still at a disadvantage against the lizards (or, worse, the giant bugs). If you have the option of being "sneaky-beaky" vs "gung-ho", it gives you more options for tactics with your various squad-members' abilities. One of the downfalls for the previous games was that the missions could get a bit repetitive. Having to think ahead and plan your missions, and choose your squad and tactics based on their strengths and weaknesses (which you had to do in the previous game, but it was still pretty basic and confined to who could carry the most vs shoot the straightest) will add so much more to the game. I haven't played Jagged Alliance - I will give it a go.