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Everything posted by Emily_F

  1. Yep, I tried clicking on it. I'll have another go though.
  2. So, it seems that the only value that it isn't possible to improve is strength, which makes zero sense. Or is this a bug?
  3. Yeah, I wish they brought back proximity mines like they had in the original game.
  4. Thanks Wulf, I wasn't part of the original open beta and haven't scanned through all the posts yet. Good to know it's in the pipeline. As for point 1), I agree with you completely. I don't know the first thing about coding so I have no idea if it would be hard or not (maybe someone could enlighten me?). But it would be worth it IMHO.
  5. Apparently not. I've tried lots of times and it says "Block 100%"
  6. The combat in V4.2 is getting better (especially now the aliens aren't virtually invincible), but the missions do get a bit samey after a while. I have thought of a few things that would greatly improve it: 1. I still think that a prone-position should be added that gives maximum aiming and protection values (a prone soldier makes a much smaller target for a rifleman than when they are kneeling or standing, with kneeling offering a bit more stability and smaller target than standing). Getting down into prone shouldn't cost many TUs but getting up should cost quite a few. It would offer you a (realistic) option if you're caught in the open and don't have enough TUs to make it to cover. 2. Different types of cover should have different blocking values; sometimes you can see the enemy fine but something that would never actually stop you shooting at someone has a block value of 100% (eg a bush). Even a fence apparently affords a fair amount of protection!! (like, 30% or something). 3. Shooting from a superior height should get a bonus, whilst having to shoot upwards should get a penalty. 4. You should be able to throw grenades over walls. 5. If you are in a square next to a door, then it shouldn't be a 100% block for the soldier to fire around - you use walls adjacent to doors as cover and shoot around the corner. Imagine a square cut into quarters. The middle horizontal line is where the wall & door are, and the vertical line is the junction of the wall and door. The soldier is in the lower left quadrant, so the door is to her right. If she fires at an alien in the direction of the upper right quadrant there should be no hindrance to the shot and she gets, say 70% protection from any return fire. But if the alien is in the direction of the upper left quadrant, accuracy gets reduced a bit but she gets more protection.
  7. Are the magnetic weapons supposed be do less damage than the laser ones? Only in V4.2, they do about as much damage as the ballistic weapons. Also, the LMG is pretty useless as the aliens almost never get suppressed with incoming fire and it has terrible accuracy, so there is no point in using them.
  8. Description: I have quite a few aircraft, and they don't all fit in the display list on the left hand side of the screen, and there is no scroll functions so I can't upgrade my new fighters. What Happened: N/A Further information: N/A
  9. I've had this issue in V4.2 as well. There is a red alien icon, and the cursor will highlight it, but the soldier can't shoot it.
  10. Description: When I try taking a UFO on via the mini-game (rather than auto-resolve) nothing I do makes my fighter(s) do anything. They just sit there taking hits from the UFO until they crash. Incidentally, my fighters seem invincible (not getting so much of a scratch), even if I send the most basic fighter on its own up against a mid-sized UFO. What Happened: Nothing. Nothing I did made anything happen. I couldn't even try to exit. Further information:
  11. I get this issue every time I am on a mission with a two-storey UFO. They wipe out all my squad as soon as I enter because they don't seem to think there's a floor. I think it's a flaw. (sorry for that dad pun)
  12. Thanks for the reply, Chris. I truly loved the last game, and still play it HEAPS but I always felt it would be better with a prone position (that gives associated extra bonuses in exchange for TUs). It at least gave you bonuses for crouching which, if I'm correct, have now been removed. Even with the intermediate tech you develop, you're still at a disadvantage against the lizards (or, worse, the giant bugs). If you have the option of being "sneaky-beaky" vs "gung-ho", it gives you more options for tactics with your various squad-members' abilities. One of the downfalls for the previous games was that the missions could get a bit repetitive. Having to think ahead and plan your missions, and choose your squad and tactics based on their strengths and weaknesses (which you had to do in the previous game, but it was still pretty basic and confined to who could carry the most vs shoot the straightest) will add so much more to the game. I haven't played Jagged Alliance - I will give it a go.
  13. One feature I am really disappointed about is the fact that there is no "prone position" which, IRL, gives you a) a lot more protection from direct fire as you are a presenting a smaller target, b) makes you more difficult to spot, c) gives you much greater accuracy with rifles and machine guns and d) gives better conditions for giving covering fire. Not acknowledging this in the gameplay really spoils the tactics side of things; having your team crawling on their belt-buckles means they'll move much slower but will be able to move into fire positions without being seen and/or much less likely to get hit. It was one of the good things about XCom Apocalypse (which was an ugly looking game, but had great combat mechanics). I really hope the devs rethink their design here, as I think the "dumbing down" of the combat mechanics will really negatively affect the game.
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