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Everything posted by Emily_F

  1. I have unlocked fusion weapons and made a fusion shotgun but they are not shown in the armoury or in the stores auto_strategy_after_combat-170.json
  2. The alien shoots the MARS to his right and there is a CTD auto_groundcombat_turn_7_end-182.json output.log
  3. Do you need to make advanced medikits before the automed module will become available? Or is the red text indicative of an issue?
  4. I don't think you can - I just hit Win-Shft-S as quickly as poss and if I am quick enough it saves the pic before the crash actually happens.
  5. Just had a CTD after throwing a small HE between the two seats. EDIT: Also, the walls and door and chairs didn't actually disappear like they should, but the aliens beyond them are technically "visible" auto_groundcombat_turn_7_start-54.json
  6. @Chris Thanks for the update, but quick question; has the CTD bug when drones explode on expiration in the alien base been fixed?
  7. I agree with @Alienkiller - some players (especially those of us who are female, though I accept that we are possibly a very small proportion of the player population) often enjoy the narrative and the progression of the story more than the "competitive" aspect of the game itself (for want of a better term). By which I mean, we will often play games at a lower difficultly level because we are more interested in the storyline, things like the research tree, how our decisions influence the outcome, etc. And we prefer the game to have a bit of a slow-burn build-up leading to a crescendo rather than the whole thing coming at once. All puns and innuendos intended. So, as Alienkiller points out, the cleaner story arc is all over too quickly which I feel is a shame because it is a good idea and more could be made of it.
  8. Yeah, I reported this one previously but the post seems to have disappeared so thanks for reporting it again
  9. I've noticed that the troops with jet packs can't go on some shipping containers and some buildings even if they could go up and over (ie they're only on Level 1 or 2, not the top level)
  10. I also couldn't make laser cannons for aircraft in my last playthrough.
  11. I would bear in mind that the OP, @Jet Jaguar, appears to be a newbie (apologies to them if they're not!), whereas us old-hat beta testers have been playing this game for ages so we know what to expect and how to play it. I think OP is probably right about the balance at that stage of the game - maybe there needs to be a couple of "warm up" abduction missions. As an aside, the cleaner story arc is over way too quickly - you do the first couple of missions, then the intel collection mission, then the super-hard boss base mission. I think it would be better if there were a few other cleaner missions before you end up doing the base, even if they are abduction missions or raids of some kind), partly to get some XP for your troops, but also to give you time to build up your forces and tech). I don't like the idea that there is a fixed deadline for the endgame either - it feels like you are forced to get to the end too quickly instead of enjoying the story of the game. Yeah, it is true that the missions can get a bit "samey" after a while, but @Chris has said previously that there are other biomes etc in the pipeline. And, again, they are samey largely because we have played literally hundreds of play-throughs! That said, it would be good to have some "optional" lower-level missions (i.e. they aren't life-or-death terror missions that destroy the panic levels totally, and can decimate your squad which sets you back a LOT if you screw up). Such lower-level missions would earn you some coins, but also allow you to get XP's for replacement troops if you have had a crappy mission where some good troops have been killed. While we're on that topic, the replacements you can purchase need to be less awful as the game progresses because they are no match for the higher-level aliens, especially when you're outnumbered and outgunned!
  12. The flashbangs stun my own troops who are on floors directly above or below where they land.
  13. If I try to make certain plasma weapons I get a crash to desktop (strategy level save). Also, I did manage to make a plasma pistol and when I try to use it in game, you can't target an enemy and shoot (combat save). auto_strategy_after_intercept-132.json auto_groundcombat_turn_7_start-289.json
  14. This crash is actually game-ending. I can't even CTL-SHIFT-V to end the mission as I get a CTD doing that too.
  15. Just killed the gun drone next to the wraith. It went bang and the two wraiths were suppressed and then there was a CTD with the dev console text in the pic below auto_groundcombat_turn_8_start-265.json
  16. There are some troops by the door into the antechamber underneath the command centre. The soldier to the left of the three in the front rank threw a grenade at the two wraiths and there was an immediate CTD output.log auto_groundcombat_turn_6_start-261.json
  17. This is a return of the old bug that was previously fixed where, if you click on transfer items in the stores screen, you get a CTD. I don't have a recent save as it was quite some time since the last autosave happened, but I have attached a log file output.log
  18. I'm not sure if this is a bug, but literally none of my soldiers killed in action have survived despite having a medical centre. It used to be fair 50/50 chance (at least that's what it felt like).
  19. Yeah, I get this a lot too but I had no idea that there was a term for it! It really slows the game down
  20. Awesome thanks Chris. Out of interest, does researching live aliens and cleaners do anything yet?
  21. Do different size UFO'S do different amounts of damage? Also, at the moment you don't get anything for saving civilians; maybe it would be good to get a panic-reducing bonus for every civilian who survives.
  22. Maybe this could be fixed by starting at a much lower general panic (like, 20 or something)?
  23. All that happens for me is that the TUs go to zero. Basically the same effect as suppression except it happens when soldiers shoot at the psyon. I don't know if that's what's meant to happen?
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