I'd like to say thanks that this mod is still being developed. Last time i played in a blood grenade spam era, i like the changes so far.
@Charon I watched your latest playthrough and i just lost a soldier to a bug like you did, where a sebillian with a flamer bursts through a window and hits for 200 damage. I thought you fixed it? I have the latest patch ofc. I had to save scum, feels bad man.
Also i have some suggestions:
What do you think of the basic assault rifle? I know rifles get better, but the first one just feels bad, other weapons have their niche, and the rifle is supposed to be a jack of all trades, but it's low stats combined with low stats of your soldiers just make it pointless to use. I noticed you didn't use it either.
Also from your stream i saw that eventually you get a xenopedia image with names and images of alien specialists (like operator - red jumpsiut, technician - green jumpsiut, etc). Why not give it as soon as you unlock a stun baton? I had to search for it in game files because i captured some specialists but couldn't remeber how he looked like, so i wouldn't risk in a next mission capturing the guy that i already have.