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  1. @thethirteenth1 ok i found it in an aircraftweapons.xml. There's a line called autoresolvestrengthroll, i assume that's it. Still not sure about missiles penalty. Alalanche has 461 power vs 75 in autocannon. Even with 1\4 str it should be better in autoresolve. Checkning gameconfig was interesting too. Edit: nevermind, i found a video on autoresolve calculator on charon's youtube. That answers my question completely.
  2. @Charon Can you give some insight how autoresolve is calculated for those of us who play with no airgame mod? Which cannon is the best? The one with the best dps, the one that deals the most total damage, maybe the one with more damage per shot? What about missiles vs opponents that can dodge? Asking because f17 seems pretty strong at autoresolve(had to decommission them because they are too slow and low ranged though), also 3 foxtrots can autoresolve a light scout for example, meanwhile 1 foxtrot has 1%. Do opponents get a flat amount of missile dodges per fight? Like 1 fighter can dodge 10 missiles per fight, so 1 foxtrot can't beat it but three can with a 100% chance? Do hitpoints of your aircraft matter?
  3. What's the point of smoke grenades dealing damage? I just had a damaged UFO reactor explode, taking half of my squad. From throwing a smoke grenade. Well, i guess i have to start over.
  4. It's one thing to hide the information like the research trees(and that would give an advantage to expirienced players), and the other thing is to hide an information that can be tracked with a pen and a piece of paper. It's just a convenience issue, once you stun an alien you know exactly who it is and how it looked like. I use the list of captures, but it's easier to list the names and use a picture for reference. It's easier than putting sebillians in the list like PURPLE ONE WITH NO PANTS ON
  5. I'd like to say thanks that this mod is still being developed. Last time i played in a blood grenade spam era, i like the changes so far. @Charon I watched your latest playthrough and i just lost a soldier to a bug like you did, where a sebillian with a flamer bursts through a window and hits for 200 damage. I thought you fixed it? I have the latest patch ofc. I had to save scum, feels bad man. Also i have some suggestions: What do you think of the basic assault rifle? I know rifles get better, but the first one just feels bad, other weapons have their niche, and the rifle is supposed to be a jack of all trades, but it's low stats combined with low stats of your soldiers just make it pointless to use. I noticed you didn't use it either. Also from your stream i saw that eventually you get a xenopedia image with names and images of alien specialists (like operator - red jumpsiut, technician - green jumpsiut, etc). Why not give it as soon as you unlock a stun baton? I had to search for it in game files because i captured some specialists but couldn't remeber how he looked like, so i wouldn't risk in a next mission capturing the guy that i already have.
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