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Everything posted by sterfield

  1. Well, I didn't want to do that to you but.... I SAID SO Congrats guys, now let's get to 100k€ ! Linux build will bring you a bunch of people (I saw this for several projects, such as Shadowrun). I'm amazed to see that it's far cheaper to have a Linux version, than female soldiers. I always knew that women are costly
  2. Original news : http://www.gameblog.fr/news/28825-xenonauts-le-xcom-like-inde-a-kickstarter-en-video Traduction in english : http://translate.google.fr/translate?sl=fr&tl=en&js=n&prev=_t&hl=fr&ie=UTF-8&layout=2&eotf=1&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.gameblog.fr%2Fnews%2F28825-xenonauts-le-xcom-like-inde-a-kickstarter-en-video
  3. Yeah, this is the main issue of Kickstarter website. There's several rough categories, but no clear listing of all the project, no "new projects this day / this month", no "almost funded project", etc.... You're welcome.
  4. Just got the confirmation from the chief editor of Gameblog.fr that a news on Xenonaut (+ the kickstarter) will be posted this afternoon.
  5. Here's 20$ more. I've already pre-ordered, but this is my small contribution to this great team & game. Shut up and take my money ! EDIT : BTW, I just ping again a Gameblog writer / tester (french video-game related website). I've talked to him about Xenonauts few months ago, he was saying that he'll wait for the demo / press build. It may end up with a news, maybe a preview ?
  6. #3 for me. For me, a good T-shirt should keep the KISS approach. The alien head really looks like the Alienware logo
  7. I'm one of those, so yeah, I hope so. My point is, you are in a far better position than TDL, and they obtain more than the double amount you want. I guess that your Kickstarter will allow you to add some kick-ass features. Have you think about some rewards based on amount ( if the total amount is above 100k$, above 120k$, etc...) ?
  8. You'll made it, for sure. Look at "The Dead Linger", an (almost) unknown indie dev studio, at a very early stage of the development (pre-pre-alpha ?). Their ideas are good, artworks too, and the team seems solid. They asked for 60k$ and are atm beyond 120k$. You are new to the indie scene, but are doing a true "reload" of XCOM (which is considered by most as one of the best video game of all time). You have a solid build, that is showing a lot of the game (and is awesome - fanboy out), and already had some coverage from the press. There's no way you'll not make the 50k$. I've discovered Kickstarter 2 months ago, and I'm a huge fan of this way of funding. I'm happy to see Xenonauts onboard
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