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Posts posted by Chris

  1. This update is also only accessible by switching to our Experimental branches (instructions on how to do so here) - although please be aware they have slower load times and worse performance than normal builds due to the extra logging they contain!

    I would not recommend starting a new campaign playthrough on this update, as I'll be releasing a more significant balance update later this week that will require starting a new campaign to see the changes. If you're thinking about starting a new playthrough, probably best just to wait for that one!


    • Fixed another example of the 90% loading hang / crash bug, again linked to specific jungle maps.
    • Fixed another example of the AI turn hang, this time related to Symbiotes spawning on tiles with other units.
    • If you hover over a soldier minitab at the top of the tactical UI, pressing C to crouch will now correctly cause the selected soldier to crouch (not the one you're hovering over).

    Gameplay Changes - Strategy:

    • Soviet Union region bonus is now a -25% Upkeep reduction (down from -30%)
    • North America region bonus is now +10 Soldier Starting Experience (up from +5)
    • Failing a terror site now causes -35 Panic, not -20 Panic

    Gameplay Changes - Tactical:

    • Wraith cloaking is now inactive by default, and activates if the Wraith takes damage. The defence bonus per tile has increased to 3 per tile (from 1.5 per tile). This should make Wraiths a bit easier to deal with - but more importantly, it should now be possible to distinguish between different ranks of Wraith on the battlefield.
    • The Cyberdrone weapon is once again a direct-fire weapon rather than an arc weapon, which means it will suffer reduced accuracy from smoke. The weapon is also now not capable of performing reaction fire.
    • All thrown grenades now have -2 tiles of range.
    • Smoke grenades of all types now generate a substantially larger cloud of smoke.
    • Fixed Cleaners attacking civilians on the Rescue Soldiers mission.
    • Added updated movement sounds and attack sounds for the Symbiote.
  2. On 1/13/2025 at 10:14 AM, Asmon said:

    I played Xenonauts, first of its name. It was hard, very. Even more so that I always play in ironman mode. But on Xenonauts 2, I sure don't recommend it. Around day 110-120, all hell breaks loose. Everything up from Mantid is Delta Force Sniper material. They never miss, and even if they do, the usual second shot does not It's kill first, or be killed. And we all know that even 75% precision is clearly not enough to adopt a "kill first strategy". And even if you hit, you don't "one shot" ennemies. It seems aliens aren't bothered by cover, and not that much by smoke, which is'nt the case for your soldiers. Just to be clear, and to stop the "get gud" trolls: I finished Xenonauts 1 in normal difficulty with ironman" activated. As I said, I had to retry a lot. But here the game stops you very soon. And what can I say about being flooded by ennemies.(Last time it was Wraiths) as soon as the first combat turn begins. Xenonauts, as X com, was always a bit unfair(or a lot), but Xenonauts 2, after a 100 days run, brings it to a new level. And you can't really recover from a full team wipe. And even you do, the game will repeatedly throw impossible odds at you, and I mean "really impossible." Please make it fun, at least in normal diffculty, not frustrating. Even cleaner units are madly precise when they shoot. 

    Yeah, we're looking into terror missions being far too hard at the moment (those start appearing at about day 120 and seem to be causing a lot of problems).

  3. 10 hours ago, Bookshelf11 said:

    Keep getting regular missions like terror, abductions and other UFOs like Cruisers and Harvesters but no Battleships. 


    I've never actually gotten this far so I have no idea the timeline of when Battleships arrive but I'm guessing they're meant to arrive after the orbital assault? I really hope I'm just impatient/extremely unlucky on spawn rates, really wanted to do a big post game write up and finishing a game I've been excited for since it went on kickstarter is fun. 

    bug_f11-1.json 1.17 MB · 0 downloads

    Is this a campaign started in 5.5 or a fresh campaign for 5.6.0 / 5.6.1?

    This bug should be fixed but I'm not sure if the fix affected existing campaigns.

    Here's a fixed save game for you where they should be activated.


  4. 23 hours ago, FOARP said:

    Fully accept that this is a WIP, but in terms of plot some things about the Cleaners don't make much sense at present:

    • Cleaner Agents are normal humans that have not been brain washed or anything. However, they open fire on civilians and civilians shoot at them in e.g., the extraction mission. Whilst having the Cleaner Agents be normal humans is an interesting plot-point, and sign-posts how aliens are subverting humanity, it doesn't make sense that they should be shooting at civilians if they are normal law enforcement guys. Since it seems likely to be difficult to stop them shooting at civilians, suggest either changing them to having been brain-washed the same way the General was, or removing them from missions where civilians are present and swapping them for Cleaner Soldiers.
    • I'd switch up the extraction mission a bit:
    1. It's possible to clear the mission by killing all the Cleaner Agents, which means this isn't really an extraction mission. I'd switch it to being pure extraction - you have to get the guys to the chopper.
    2. Cleaner Agent reinforcements should be inbound to create time-pressure.
    3. The people you're rescuing get rifles which seems a bit OP - they can practically shoot their own way out. I'd switch this for pistols or maybe SMGs?
    • The Cleaners disappear after the HQ mission, but since alien infiltration carries on after that, surely the Cleaners are still around in some form?   

    Thanks. You're talking about the Rescue Soldiers mission, right? Not the Extract VIP mission?

    It's a bug that the Cleaners are attacking civilians on that mission, I'll get that fixed now. We recently added it as setting we can enable / disable on any mission we like so it's a 2 minute change.

    Beyond that, most of these problems seem to be based around the idea that this should be a Extraction mission, but it's not - we've already got those, and they're a slightly different thing. Really this is an elimination mission where you bring a reduced team and your units start split across the map, and where you can grab your soldiers and retreat if you want.

    I can see that it might be worth adding the threat of enemy reinforcements if you take too long, but that does complicate the victory conditions a bit if so.

    • Like 1
  5. This is a small hotfix for the 5.6.0 update released yesterday, fixing an important gameplay issue and a couple of other minor issues.

    For any GOG users - we're having upload problems, so this hotfix is not yet available on GOG. We'll try to resolve this over the weekend!


    • Fixed being unable to transfer aircraft between bases.
    • Exploding vehicle damage is no longer subject to damage randomisation, so exploding vehicles should now inflict a maximum of 50 damage on anyone in the blast radius.
    • On Abduction missions, the "Eliminate all hostile combatants" objective line is now marked as complete (with a green tick) if you eliminate all enemy units before the mission ends.
  6. It depends what you mean by "immense" improvement, really.

    Even if we fixed the issues you've raised in your post, it kinda sounds like the fundamental problem you have is that the game is using an abstracted tile grid rather than proper 3d shot paths that take into account the collision meshes of the target and any intervening objects. We did experiment with the latter at the start of development and ultimately we abandoned it because it has a lot of negatives, mostly related to how hit chances become incredibly unpredictable and the various knock-on effects that caused.

    If that's the case then no, you're not going to see immense improvements. If you just want us to iron out some problems in the existing model, hopefully you will. There are some problems with the LOS / LOF mechanics we still want to fix. 

  7. On 1/8/2025 at 2:37 AM, svidangel said:

    Had a soldier at full (73) HP and upgraded Guardian armor get oneshot by a stray bolt into a nearby snowmobile. And he was not right next to the snowmobile but about as far away as you can get and still be in the blast radius. 

    It's fun to have blowy-uppy cars and such (not realistic, but common for video games and movies), but it feels like the damage is a bit high when a snowmobile is more dangerous to my soldier than a cyberdrone's entire fusion blast volley.  Speaking of which, it's mildly panic inducing to see a cyberdrone only a few tiles away from the front of a packed Dragonfly dropship on the first turn.

    And yes, I've taken to setting off pretty much every vehicle and container I can before I get to it, I just hadn't realized that the snowmobiles would be that dangerous =/ Lesson learned.

    One of the problems seems to be that these explosions are inflicting damage randomisation (which might still be bugged at 50-200% damage) rather than being a fixed 50 damage as intended. That's easy to fix.

    As for the damage fall-off, I'll have a think about it.


    • Like 1
  8. On 1/7/2025 at 7:49 PM, lam30007855 said:

    Hi, im pretty sure i backed this game, im sure it was when it was first announced, i cant remember how much, im pretty sure it was the full game price, i logged into my account and cant seem to check or find any information about it, my question(s) are, is there a way for me to find out? and if i did back it at full price, do i get the game when it comes out, or will i have to buy it again? thanks for any help

    Hi - yeah, if you've backed the game on Kickstarter then you should have been sent a key already. If you didn't get it, there's instructions for how to claim the key in this post here: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/69341191/xenonauts-2-strategic-planetary-defence-simulator/posts/3661176?lang=es

    If that doesn't work for you, send me a DM. If there's any way you can prove that you backed the Kickstarter then we'll send you a fresh key.

  9. This update is also only accessible by switching to our Experimental branches (instructions on how to do so here) - although please be aware they have slower load times and worse performance than normal builds due to the extra logging they contain!

    This update is another stability fix for Milestone 5 that hopefully fixes most of the remaining stability problems. Although we will continue to fix any bugs reported by the community, our plan is to start reviewing all the player feedback and begin making balance changes in the next hotfix.

    Please note that this update contains a number of fixes for tactical maps. Geoscape saves from 5.5.0 and earlier should work fine, but some tactical saves from 5.5.0 will not load correctly. If you're having this problem, please load an earlier strategy save!

    Gameplay Changes:

    • The Command Points UI in the bottom right of the Geoscape is now hidden until the Strategic Operations are unlocked after the ATLAS Base mission is completed.
    • The Operations Points cost for doing additional crash sites once that UFO type has been delegated now functions correctly (previously it wasn't actually deducting the cost).
    • The Doomsday Counter should now warn you when you go over 100 and give you until the end of the day to fix it, rather than instantly ending the game (the warning previously wasn't triggering if the passive increase at the end of the day took you above 100).
    • Living Quarters now consume power as intended.
    • Evacuating civilians will no longer path through fire and poison gas.
    • Added corpse artwork for the Symbiote, so they no longer use the dead Cleaner artwork.
    • The UOO Bridge Assault mission objective timer (defend the mainframe for X turns) is no longer modified by campaign settings, as people who wanted to effectively remove mission timers by using the +99 turns setting were being forced to defend the objective for over 100 turns.
    • Slightly increased the range of dropships to ensure they can reach anywhere in the world, as there were a few places you could put your base where it was not possible to reach certain missions.
    • The roofs on the Desert construction site buildings should now be properly destructible.
    • The strategic operations button cooldown overlay has now been inverted; it's shown fully greyed out when first activated and the grey overlay shrinks towards the bottom as the cooldown decreases.


    • Fixed an AI hang that could occur when heavy alien units tried to crush a wall and discovered an enemy unit stood directly behind it, preventing them from being able to complete their move.
    • Fixed another example of the 90% loading freeze on tactical missions, this one related to certain Tropical maps.
    • Fixed a crash that would occur if you cancelled the Reduce Panic strategic operation while choosing which region to target.
    • Fixed a crash that could occur during the AI turn if an explosion went partially beyond the playable area.
    • Fixed a crash that could occur when dragging items on top of other items in a soldier's backpack.
    • Fixed a crash that could occur if a UFO destroyed an undefended Xenonaut base that had soldiers / personnel / items midway through being transferred to it.
    • Fixed an issue where the Phase 5 timeline (which contains Battleship UFOs) would not trigger correctly if you completed the UOO Bridge Assault mission at a certain time. This fix will unfortunately not help anyone who is already in this situation.
    • Fixed the walkable tiles on top of shipping containers and certain vehicles being destroyed by grenades, which could cause units to fall inside the shipping containers and get stuck.
    • Hopefully fixed the issue where enemy reinforcements would sometimes be invisible.
    • Fixed the spawn locations on ENDGAME part 2 so units can no longer spawn inside objects.
    • Fixed the UOO Sabotage and UOO Bridge Assault missions not showing the post-mission debrief screen.
    • Fixed the move+shoot preview calculating TU costs slightly wrong on Soldier or Recruit difficulty if soldier rotation was part of the shot.
    • Fixed the Harvester UFO triggering the "capture" victory condition before the upper bridge level had been cleared.
    • Fixed units with jetpacks being able to fly out the top of the upper level rooms on the larger alien base maps.
    • Fixed the Advanced Fusion Rifle project incorrectly producing basic Fusion Rifles.
    • Fixed achievements for completing the campaign not triggering.
    • Fixed "Ultimate Power" achievement unlocking if a single Colonel was present on the team, rather than requiring all soldiers present to be Colonels.
    • Fixed dead civilians incorrectly still showing the "evacuate" hover cursor.
    • Fixed the VIP minitab in the tactical UI not showing the HP and TU bars.
    • Fixed the Alien Symbiote Launcher weapon incorrectly being called the "Alien Symbiote Clip" in the base stores, and not being marked as junk.
    • Fixed the dockyard water edge tiles being destructible, and turning into walkable tiles when destroyed.
    • Fixed one of the alien consoles not visually disappearing when destroyed.
    • Fixed the roofs of the Boreal buildings.
    • Fixed the crashed Observer UFO hull not having a drop shadow.
    • Fixed the corner tiles in the alien base hangar rooms not revealing from the shroud.
    • Fixed an incorrectly rotated floor tile in the Destroyer UFO.
    • Hopefully fixed the issue that was causing certain user bug reports to contain only a single file.
    • We've removed the parked Scout UFO from the UOO Sabotage mission, as it was just causing confusion and also caused some gameplay problems.
    • Fixed the Geoscape timers on the left of the UI going offscreen on non-1080p screens.
    • Fixed the North American region displaying Infiltration rather than Panic on hover.
    • Fixed the Rush Replace button always displaying the cost as $30,000.
    • Fixed typos in the Fusion Weapon Upgrade project.
    • The MARS / ARES "Plasma Cannon" is now correctly called the "Fusion Cannon", and should have green rather than blue artwork and should fire green projectiles.
    • Like 2
  10. On 12/30/2024 at 5:37 PM, PawelT said:

    I have day 486 and no battleship has appeared so far.

    Ironman, difficulty level - modified commander.


    bug_report_2024-12-30-18h33_st_5.5.0_user_f11.zip 1004 B · 0 downloads

    Thanks. Yeah, I see the issue here. The phase5 timeline hasn't triggered for you - I'll get this fixed.

    This won't fix your save game though. Do you want me to fix this save so you get battleships? Please @ me if you do so I get a notification about your reply.

  11. 1 hour ago, Maering said:

    You're welcome, let me know if I can be of any further assistance.

    Also something strange I've noticed: When raiding a crashed harvester ship, sometimes after wiping either only the first floor or first and second floors the game triggers the "UFO captured" regardless of other unexplored floors that still have aliens.

    Final note, thanks you all for this amazing game, I'm having a blast playing it :cool:

    Glad you're enjoying it. We'll have the Harvester capture bug fixed in the next hotfix :)

  12. 36 minutes ago, pwd said:

    Noticed that my two secondary bases had 20 alloys and 4 or 5 alenium for no apparent reason. Just hangars, turrets, generators and radars there so I'm not sure of a legitimate source of them. 

    This usually happens because the aircraft there have shot down UFOs that create auto-recovered wreckage. It's either sent to the closest base, or the home base of the interceptors that shot it down (can't remember off the top of my head).

  13. It's the end of the year and time for our monthly Xenonauts 2 development update. A quick one this time, though, as I'm currently on holiday!

    Milestone 5 Release:
    The biggest news this month is that we released the initial Milestone 5 prototype on the Experimental branch on the 13th December. Although we did a lot of internal testing prior to releasing the prototype, it still ended up being very unstable (probably because we were still adding new features the night before release).

    As the studio closed for Christmas on the 20th Dec, we then worked long hours to try and get the prototype into a more stable state before the holidays. After five hotfixes (including a festive Christmas Eve update) we managed to deal with most of the critical issues, leaving the prototype in much better shape. However, we're already aware of a number of bugs that we need to look at in January.

    We'll also be adding a lot more content to Milestone 5 next month - as mentioned in previous updates, the initial prototype contains quite a lot of placeholder assets that we need to finish or replace before Milestone 5 is released on the standard branches.

    Thanks once again to everyone who has taken the time to report bugs or give us feedback. If anyone wants to offer further thoughts, we've created an official Milestone 5 feedback thread that can be used to keep it all in one place.

    UFO Delegation:
    One change in Milestone 5 proved controversial, which was the "UFO Delegation" feature. Basically, this is triggered after completing two Crash Sites of a particular UFO type, and it gives you a permanent monthly funding increase - but also imposes an Operations Point cost if you complete further Crash Site missions of that particular UFO type (there is a lore justification for this, but for the sake of brevity I won't explain it here).

    We introduced this change because the player shoots down a lot of UFOs during the course of the game, and unfortunately there's two opposing (but equally valid) playstyles regarding the Crash Sites produced. The first group of players will happily fight every single tactical mission that spawns on the Geoscape, which can easily be 30+ Crash Sites over the course of a single campaign (making the game much longer). The second group of players is happy to fight one or two Crash Sites of a particular UFO type to see the new content and unlock the associated research, but find it repetitive to do more than that.

    It's extremely difficult to balance the game to account for both these playstyles, as it either ends up too easy for the people who like to complete every Crash Site (as they have way too much money / resources) or too tedious and grindy for the people who prefer to complete only one or two per UFO (as they're forced to complete every crash site to avoid money / resource shortages). The delegation system was our attempt to support both sides by reducing the potential rewards for fighting lots of identical Crash Sites - players can still do it if they choose, but they gain less of an advantage than they did previously.

    We've already listened to community feedback on this point (the Operations Point cost was previously a Panic penalty) and we'll continue to do so. Much like we added options for people who wanted to disable turn timers on tactical missions, if necessary we're prepared to add an optional "extended" mode that fully removes delegation and is balanced around the player completing every Crash Site. However, this won't be possible until the game balance for the "normal" campaign is locked for final release in Milestone 6, as keeping an additional game mode updated while balance is still in flux would take up lots of development time.

    So if you see people getting upset about this topic, please point them at this post. I think most people will find the new system an improvement overall, but we'll continue to support those who would prefer to play without it.

    That's everything from me. The first of us will be back at work on Thursday and we'll be at full strength on Monday 6th, so expect the patches and updates for Milestone 5 to resume next week.

    I'd like to close by thanking everyone for your support during 2024 - this game genuinely wouldn't be possible without our community. I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and have a happy New Year!

    • Like 3
  14. On 12/25/2024 at 10:09 AM, Morgus said:


    I have a bug to report for Milestone 4.27.0

    I destroyed a container and yet I can't pass through it on the floor level, the ladder leading to the top didn't get destroyed and I can still climb it while I can actually shoot through it







    Thanks. This bug should (hopefully) be fixed in Milestone 5!

  15. This update is also only accessible by switching to our Experimental branches (instructions on how to do so here) - although please be aware they have slower load times and worse performance than normal builds due to the extra logging they contain!

    We're technically shut down for Christmas, but this is another quick patch to fix a few crashes the community has encountered (although there's a few more on our radar that will need to wait until January).

    Merry Christmas everyone!


    • Fixed a crash during the AI turn when an alien unit crushes a terrain object.
    • Fixed another crash during AI turn during alien movement.
    • Fixed a crash that could occur due to alien reaction fire.
    • Colossus can now carry Gauss LMG ammo.
    • MARS / ARES / Sentry Guns no longer suffer damage from poison gas.
    • Fixed the Supporter Info element showing "null" as the title line for the supporter effects section.
    • Like 1
  16. 15 hours ago, Grobobobo said:

    Some final thoughts:


    • The battleship mission is too easy. You will be engaging them maxed out, and the units aren't any stronger than the one on the harvester. In xeno 1 they had a unique tier of elites, here they don't. Also, every battleship i fought was a sebilian one.
    • Eternal should probably always survive the battleship crash, hunting one for interrogation proved to be really annoying because he kept dying.
    • Electroshock grenades are still pretty op for both capture and suppression purposes.
    • Vanguard armor makes sebilian's gas grenades pointless. intentionally clumping  so they grenade you instead of shooting you becomes very beneficial. I think the blast radius should pierce more armor, or just deal slightly more damage.
    • I did not get an opportunity to do a landed ufo ONCE.
    • I Only fought androns in special missions. do they even spawn on ufo's?
    • I wish there was some more weapon variety among aliens. the sebilian mg's and mantids gun were nice (although the latter gets completely replaced) but in x1 there was also an alien sniper, alien shotgun, and an alien cannon (we could an alien gas cannon or something to make rebreather more relevant)
    • sebilian's mg x3 burst takes 45% tu's but they do not shoot AT ALL when suppressed. is that intentional?
    • I have a lot to say about the air game, but I don't think you're focusing on it now so I won't bother.
    • Reapers are complete pushovers, and they only have 2 tiers of units.
    • I wish there were more abduction missions, and an alien version of extract vip mission in the mid-late game.
    • The continent supporter bonuses are not balanced at all. -30% global upkeep vs slightly better recruits is pretty funny.
    • The aliens stopped mind controlling supporters as soon as phase 2 starts. wish there was a bit more of a back and forth there
    • Collosus armor is crap (especially compared to predator's glory days) it does not offer any offensive bonuses, and the defensive bonus isn't worth much because of how much armor destruction fusion weapons have.
    • Wish there was a late game upgrade for stalker armor just like there is for collosus.
    • What the hell does mind war even do? there isn't an explanation for it and I didn't see any effect.
    • The smoke grenades aren't worth using anymore. I used them like twice before completely dropping them from loadouts. This is because the game's extended LOS makes them a lot less needed in general, but also because the smoke effect and radius is just much lower compared to the first game. they just kinda suck now, ESPECIALLY since thermal charges and HEVY let you alpha strike any alien you see.
    • Mars and ARES have one viable loadout where they kick ass, but they suck with every other loadout. The rocket launcher, autorifle, and smoke launcher need some serious buffs.
    • The rifle and MG burst still kinda suck for actually killing stuff, the. 40% base accuracy is way too low even at point blank, you get like 55% cth at 100 accuracy.

    Thanks. Lots of useful stuff here.I picked out and fixed several of these things already and I’ll revisit this when I do my next balancing pass in January.

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