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Everything posted by Ishantil

  1. Yeah, that was my impression. That each set needs its own.
  2. I'm guessing your new guns are missing references to the graphics files. WalrusJones is a good person to talk to about that, as he has added lots of weapons to the games.
  3. I haven't ever seen a base except the small one. Are large bases in the game now?
  4. Well, I would rant about the whole forced torpedo plane idea, but meh. I think the easiest way to make you want to replace the F-17s is that they can't catch the UFOs larger than a medium. Meaning you need something that goes faster, thus, Corsairs. Again, though, if the Marauder (I always want to follow that up with Bomber, too much 40K) is just around the corner, there's no reason to spend money on them. Again, this should not be the case. I think that means they should be both better and cheaper. When I saw the price tag at 30 Alenium and $300K, I immediately rethought building them. I think you should have to rebuild a Condor, and have it cost $100 and 10 Alenium. This way, your Condors aren't useless (you build a Corsair out of it) and you can justify not having to pay as much.
  5. Indeed, quoth the UFOPedia: "The only known way to prevent a Chryssalid hatching is to land killing blows on zombies with Incendiary rounds."
  6. Xenopedia article doesn't help with first contact, though. The Cryssalids in X-COM spawned ready to kill you as soon as they shed their zombie husk. Basically, you have to kill the zombie and the Reaper, or else. It's supposed to be hard to manage.
  7. I agree, the plasma shotgun works too well at just blasting people and accidentally scoring hits.
  8. Verhoeven didn't even finish reading the book. It was a fun movie, but didn't exactly capture the spirit of the book.
  9. is there something wonky with the alien weapons? Is there a +- effect for air combat?
  10. The Corsair is supposed to be a "gateway" platform, the logical extension of being able to do the same things as the Condor, but way better materials and new engines. The problem is that the Marauder so far eclipses is, that the Corsair is often skipped or thought not to be worth it. This should be remedied in two ways: 1. The costs of the Corsair need to come down. This means that they can be deployed quickly, become effective, and give the player some breathing room when the larger UFOs start appearing. They are supposed to be the heavy escorts for your torpedo plane (MiG-32 Foxtrot). They have similar flight stats of speed and range to the Foxtrot, so deploying Corsairs increases the overall effectiveness of your flights. 2. The length of time between the Corsair and the Marauder probably needs to be increased in some fashion to make the Corsair more attractive and relevant for longer. A new plane should be a big deal. The player should want to invest in them because they are better and worth it. As it stands now, as several people have pointed it, it's better to skip them and build Marauders. This should not be the case. I also suggest that a the Xenopedia article be changed so that they use a lot of the existing parts or structure of a Condor to build a Corsair (much like the Foxtrot). This would help explain why it's so "easy" to build one. Notably, what do you guys think the Corsair most resembles? I was thinking a cross between an F-18 Hornet and an F-14 Tomcat
  11. That sounds awesome! I've had them be aggressive, but never like that!
  12. The rate at which alien bases are deployed probably needs to be tweaked downwards for the first few months.
  13. My starting shotguns are 5x15. Before, used 9x15 (actually realistic, based on the pistol damage), but it was a little too good.
  14. Is there no dedicated Supply Ship class? There should be!
  15. The more recent trend is to not have to do every mission. In order to keep with that general idea, the Alenium costs need to go down.
  16. It seems to me that all of the things should have hitpoints and when the hitpoints are gone, the fire goes out and then you get 1d6 turns of smoke. Or something like that. That map was awesome, Stinky. I very much enjoyed it. Thanks for making it!
  17. I think they need to either reduce the cost of the new aircraft or increase the yield from all sources. I think that clearing two landing ships to get a corsair is a tad much. I've already adjusted the cost of the Corsairs to 15 in my current game to see how it goes. It feels a lot better, since I had 70 Alenium total (from all sources, never having had to spend it before).
  18. Indeed. No argument here. I wasn't really bothered that it happened. Just surprised.
  19. Well, the heretics aren't going to burn themselves, Commissar.
  20. @Chris: If memory serves, I was seeing 5-6 new fire tiles per turn at times. It spread a lot more quickly than I thought it was going to. In fact, I found one of my guys engulfed one turn. I think the screen where it was a plasma cannon, I think it took 4-5 turns to go from a 4 or 5 fire tiles to the entire fireball. I'm not sure if this is in scope, but nothing was burning but the grass, the wooden buildings didn't seem to burn, just the grass around it.
  21. Yes, that's exactly my point. You knew where to look, if you knew how to suss out the data from the charts.
  22. Sounds great! I'm looking forward to seeing what you have in here. Although there's a newer version out now, V19Stabe with Hotfix (as of today).
  23. I might have deleted a word. Maybe. ;D I couldn't keep up with the blistering pace.
  24. I wish there was cool charts on alien activity like there was in X-COM.
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