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Everything posted by Alienkiller

  1. I agree with drages, because if you look for same Games with bigger Tech Trees you will see, that the People how tried it had very big Problems to get it in a normal Picture. Maybee I find a old Tech Tree from an other UFO Game to show the Problematic. Here it is: Ufo Afterlight (and that is the Original Tech Tree): http://www.strategycore.co.uk/files/ufo-afterlight-graphical-tech-tree/ An other example ist UFO: Extraterestials with UNI-Mod wich is growing slowly but constantly. http://ufogr.com/de/techtree/ Here you see all the Trees (Originaly and Modded). All of them are small but you see, if you wanna bring it to one Picture, you have to minimize it so that the others couldn´t see it and if they see how big it is, they will be dettert to play the Game / Mod etc. eventually. Radek look at them and you see what I mean.
  2. Hi Hi folks. Drages I think you mean this Mod which is in Producing state. Is this an Upgrade of XnT or a complete new one? I haden´t time to read it complete (only the first site), but what you wrote on there sounds good.
  3. I dont think so. The Chance and Upgrade of the Original Reaserch Tree (Original Tech Tree is visible if you search it) makes the Game harder, because you have to Search per sample try & error. Thats interessing and makeable in Easy / Normal Mode (if you play the Mod first Time), but on Veteran or higer it is better to know how to search. I do make it for me and for the Mod to find Bugs in it (Xenopedia etc.). Then I can tell the Team where are Problems in it and they can fix them.
  4. Also Medikits are very important. In the Normal Game and especially for Mods. Firstly the Medikits remove bloody Wounds (drops of blood in the Soldierpicture in Tac Missions). Use cover to reduce the chance for enemy hits on your Soldiers. If it happens that the Soldiers are getting hits (esp. heavy hits), look for drops of blood and use a Medikit to heal that soldier. A drop of blood makes adittional injury damage. Secondly they bring back health to max. 50 % of Normal. So the Soldiers can fight to the End of a tac mission. Use healed Soldiers wiesly.
  5. Btw. I trie to make a Reaserch Tree so I can see what Technologies are needed for build new Improvements, Structures etc. So it is a litte bit simpler for me to see what Projects are seperatly as well as are needed for beter Things.
  6. I got the Problem too. I tried the link with the Information, made it so but it didn´t help.
  7. Hi Hi folks. Hope I´m right here. Like said in the Completet Game Mods Threat I found this Mod after I played the CE-Version 75%. Like the others sayd build 2 Bases (1 for Reaserchassistance and 1 for Produktion) to the first (Main Base). The Main Base produce only the things the Strike Team needs (Vehicles, Armor, Weapons etc.) and Interceptors / Troop Transport for the Main Base. You only have 20 Ingeniers in that base. The rest of the Personal makes 30 Scientists and 20 Soldiers as well as 3 Vehicles. The Second Base (Production and Interceptor Base) produces only for Money and help with production for the Strike Team (esp. Armors) / Interceptors (esp. for the other Bases you build up). In the first 2 Months you dont need to produce much to sell, because there are only small Ufos (Easy/Normal difficulty) and the first Medium Ufos, which are mostly without Escort. The Ground Missions bring you min. 60.000 to 70.000 $ per Ufomission you make. And the founding Nations are upgrading the finance. In the mid of the 3rd Month you need all Money you can get. Esp. Profit from produced Items as well as Ufo Recovery in Ground Combats. Produce a mix of Ballastic Infantery Weapons (without Alien Material) and like TacticalDragon said Jackal Armor. If you get better Armor for the Strike Team, produce Coyote Armor for sell. Sell the old produced Armor and if in case the produced Infanterie Weapons (try to wait the Strike Team has better Balistic Weapons or Laser Weapons with Alien Materials). So I think the Price the Nations pay for better Weapons / Armor will raise. Before I forget: I found 3 little Bugs in the Mod. 2 are from Reaserch and 1 in the Equipment Screen. Equipment is the Coyote Armor by Equipping the Mansoldiers. This bug is easy to eliminate. Copy the Coyote Armor Picture from the Women to the Mens (Equippingfolder Armors Coyote). To see the Repair you need to leave the game for Bugrepair and load a savegame after that repair. The Reaserchbugs are much more difficult. 1. After Capturing a Ceasan Officer alive there is a autoresearch of advanced Ceasan Info but no Entry in the Xenopedia (after autoresearch black Screen without Info), but the Picture of the advanced Info is in the Mod implementet. Found it in a folder with Pictures. 2. After Reaserching Alenium there is one unknown Reaserch (black Screen). The Grenades, Rockets etc. are all there.
  8. I had found the Modifikation after I played the Community Edition from Xenonauts 75 %. I like the Mod because there are very good Ideas carried out. I am in the 3rd Month without much Problems. Got 2 Bases full and build up the 3rd in the Moment. The Reaserch Ideas are very impressive, so you don´t know what to reasearch first. Then you dont know what to upgrade first (Strike Team, Aircraft, Base). I find it interessting that you need much reasearch to get Laser (I dont know how to get it) and the production of Alien Alloys. But that is what a game should be. The Mod combines Elements of the new XCom and all Xenonauts/X-Com elements are included. What makes me happy is the fact, that all these Elements are enhanced with Ideas of the Modding Team. A very good Game gets a Game what the Gamers want to have.
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