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Ok lets set the scene....

I am hunting through the entire map for the last alien, when I finally find him I charge him with my scout holding a stun rod. the alien turns blue and falls on the ground, my scout proceeds to put him in his backpack, I then hit end turn and the game ends showing that it was indeed the last alien. My problem however is that despite this it still says one alien escaped and zero where captured. Is capture not implemented yet or am I doing something wrong? and if it is implemented and it was meant to be like this might I suggest that captured aliens count as dead instead of escaped so it doesn't count against your score?

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Ok lets set the scene....

I am hunting through the entire map for the last alien, when I finally find him I charge him with my scout holding a stun rod. the alien turns blue and falls on the ground, my scout proceeds to put him in his backpack, I then hit end turn and the game ends showing that it was indeed the last alien. My problem however is that despite this it still says one alien escaped and zero where captured. Is capture not implemented yet or am I doing something wrong? and if it is implemented and it was meant to be like this might I suggest that captured aliens count as dead instead of escaped so it doesn't count against your score?

Your scout is secretly an alien symathiser / cultist. He doesnt tell anyone else that he stunned that alien that he then hid in his backpack and smuggled out allowing for its escape.

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If I may, can I ask for clarification?

in the real game it may be that you have to research the alien autopsy first before you can capture them anyways. Maybe. that's an idea that's being tossed around

Why would one need to research autopsy? I am under the impression it would work exactly the same as in case of humans - you disassemble the organism and see how it ticks. Also, you can very well dissect dead aliens so no need to capture alive specimen to cut it into pieces.

Sure, you won't learn as much from the dead one as from the living (interrogation etc) and to store live alien securely it would be wise to research proper compartments. But it's a different thing.

Unless you meant that in the very beginning and it's plain misunderstanding. I apologize then.

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Um...yeah. The idea is that you'd have to research an alien corpse (carry out and autopsy on it) before you can capture and imprison live aliens of that race.

You have to do this for each alien race (except vehicles and maybe Androns).

Back to the original question: Capturing isn't implemented yet, and I think stunned aliens are counted as 'killed' AND 'escaped'.

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Ah, then everything's fine. I was worried he meant that first one has to research a way of dissecting alien corpse and THEN he can dissect and research alien corpse which leads to research of ways of capturing and reserching living alien. Which idea I wasn't too fond of.

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