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[V1.59 Stable - Ground Combat] Unable to reserve crouch + attack

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1. I have been trying to end each turn with a crouch or crouch before each shot; but it is so tedious to find out how much TUs an attack would be plus crouching down. This makes the reserve feature useless if you want to crouch before attacking, because you have to manually calculate everything anyway.

2. When reserving a crouch, rotating should NOT use up the points needed to crouch down.

3. If you are already crouched, then attacking should NOT reserve a crouch.

4. If you are already crouched, then moving SHOULD reserve an EXTRA crouch to be usable at the end of the movement.

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The TU's reserve points only for shooting, because there are so many possibilities, that adding them all would make it extremely clunky. You could have Reserve + tun 45. Reserve + turn 90. Reserve + turn 45 + crouch, etc... Every movement/crouch/turn cost the same amount of TU on every soldier, irrespective of the amount of TU's they have. Fox example crouching costs 3 TU. I believe this is an interesting suggestion, I don't feel like there is a need for it. You are having these problems because you just started playing, and are getting crushed by the aliens, which is normal. You'll soon learn how to better play the game, be more cautious, and get used to the TU system

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