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How do TUs, recoil and smoke afects to aiming? (game mechanics)

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I have somoe questions about aiming

1.- Have we any penalty on aiming for being overweighted (I know we lose TU's but know nothing more on other things). I read something about moving before shoting heavy weapons have a penalty, how do it works?

2.- I saw a recoil value on some weapons (machinegun and rocket launcher). I read that it afects on aiming, but how do it?

3.- Also I don't understand well the smoke, in the original game it reduces line of sight, do it reduces line of sight in xenonauts?. Also how may I use it to get defensive bonus( I guessed some options but have no entirely sure on how works):

a) The unit into smoke receive defensive bonus

b) The unit into smoke receive aiming penalty

c) The penalty in aiming is applied if line of shot pass throught a tile with smoke. And if it works on this way, how much penalty is aplied for each smoking tile in the bullet path? Or it is the same penalty shooting through one smoking tile than several smoking tiles.

Thanks for answers.

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1. There is only penalty for TUs while overwighted or maybe I myself don't know about it. There is no penalty for moving before firing HMG any more.

2. Not exists anymore. HMGs work now that the lowest value of STR or ACC is taken into account. Predator Armour decreases TU% to fire a HMG.

3. Smoke increases ACC penalty per tile of smoke but I don't remember by how much probably 10% but don't quote me on it. Sebillians are not affected by smoke, so don't waste your time.

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Maybe for rocket launchers. I can't remember if it was ditched totally.


If a soldier with Strength of 50 is using a rocket launcher with Recoil of 60, he will suffer a 10% penalty to accuracy. If accuracy would normally be 80% not taking recoil into account, it will be reduced to 70% accuracy.

How much wiki is up to date I don't know.

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3. Smoke increases ACC penalty per tile of smoke but I don't remember by how much probably 10% but don't quote me on it. Sebillians are not affected by smoke, so don't waste your time.

It's 20%, it multiplies, and it stacks.


If a shot has 40% chance to hit, shooting through one tile of smoke will reduce the hit chance to 32%. Shooting through two tiles of smoke will reduce it to 25%. Three tiles reduces it to 20%, four tiles to 16% and so on.

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Thanks for the clarification Kabill. I knew smoke grenades helped a fair amount, and that the more smoke the enemy shot through the better just from playing (except for the damn lizard people of course) but its nice to know exactly how much each tile of smoke boosts my chances of bringing everybody home outside of plastics bags.

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