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just tell me one thing please

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Loved xcom original series, one of my favourite aspects was keeping multiple squads at different base locations around the world. please tell me i can have more than one base with more than one squad .sorry havnt actually done much research yet. thanks in advance

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Has anyone actually tried this? I mean, what OP is suggesting: to have more than one base equipped with a dropship full of xenonauts instead of one main base+ 'air defense superiority' satellite bases? Would such a setup be financially-wise viable? Since external funding s capped, would 'milking' crash sites suffice to support such a secondary base? Almost everyone from the veteran Xeno-player population agree on the 'only one base with a dropship' setup.I understand that this is the most viable and most economic setup, but just for kicks, how useful is a second base/w dropship?

Apparently, the majority of aliens 'like' to spawn around you main base.(or so i read) Maybe they feel the crowd inside (braiiiiiinsss!!). What if the second/third/...) base is constantly low on scroungeable crashsites? Just wondering.

Edited by BULIGO
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I'm not convinced in vanilla that having more than one strike team is a good idea, no. The problem is that most of your resources get spent on making ground combat equipment, and having more than one team means having more equipment. So the only reason to have multiple strike teams is to get more resources to make equipment for the extra strike teams you're running (i.e. it's tautological).

However, it's still something you can do if you want and I think you can make it work if you're willing to have teams using hand-me-downs (get them to do the easier missions while your fully equipped squad does the hard ones). Also, there's mods that look at trying to solve this issue too.

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thanks for the replies. I suppose from a quasi-rpg point of view , ive always liked the idea of a team trained together, living together etc adds to the pain when they all get wiped out on a mission ... oh the humanity.

Think about them as a sort of a 'Dirty Dozen'.

Better? :)

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i tried that on my second gameplay, major problem is founding indeed, but also logistics. Having your primary team fully and properly equipped take some time, so the secondary team will drag behind as time pass. Usually the most economical way to handle this is sending second hand stuff from your primary team to the second, but a, this tactic is dangerous, you'll end up facing a squad of androns with laser gun. Also your dividing battle experience.

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I usually run two squads. The primary squad based out of my first base, then a secondary squad elsewhere. Running the second squad on smaller UFO's can help train replacements if you high level guys get waxed or injured, and as long as you transfer older equipment you should be ok until you can get them the good stuff. When I get the Shrike I transfer the Charlie to the secondary base, then when I get the Valkyrie I transfer the Shrike. I don't typically build a second Valkyrie. At this point most of my resources go to building weapons and armor for two teams. As long as you actually use the second combat team, your forces will a little less flimsy if you take a few casualties (i.e. lose two Colonels and replace with a captain and a lieutenant instead of a pair of privates). I try to hit every crash site I can, the only real reason not to in my opinion would be if the teams are too shot up to risk it.

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I usually run two squads. The primary squad based out of my first base, then a secondary squad elsewhere. Running the second squad on smaller UFO's can help train replacements if you high level guys get waxed or injured, and as long as you transfer older equipment you should be ok until you can get them the good stuff. When I get the Shrike I transfer the Charlie to the secondary base, then when I get the Valkyrie I transfer the Shrike. I don't typically build a second Valkyrie. At this point most of my resources go to building weapons and armor for two teams. As long as you actually use the second combat team, your forces will a little less flimsy if you take a few casualties (i.e. lose two Colonels and replace with a captain and a lieutenant instead of a pair of privates). I try to hit every crash site I can, the only real reason not to in my opinion would be if the teams are too shot up to risk it.

I just swap out a few guys from the primary team every now and then for the reserves I have in my main base to get the same effect, as long as you run the same amount of missions, which you can still do, you will still gain the same amount of experience, but you don't have to spend the resources equipping multiple squads.

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there are 3 reasons this is unnecessary and just overcomplication:

a) the charlie flightrange is enough to anywhere on the planet (not sure, but never got into a UFO that i couldnt reach)

b) one charlie can do seemingly unlimited sorties in one flight so you can shoot down 6 UFOs and fetch them all before returning to base AND it has equipment teleportation device so any equipment that is manufactured mid-flight can stilll be faxed onboard

c) as stated on the other posts, manufacturing armors and weapons for multiple squads (no alien gear for you in this game so you manufacture those plasmas by hand) eats money and time- so to keep both squads "on the edge" you not only need multiple squads but also a earmarked workshop complex for both teams (personally i have 2 workshops building infantry gear for 1 squad and 2 workshops producing fighters at late-game and this is merely at veteran)

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I did it after building shrike, to avoid decomissioning my trusty chinook. Also, B team became the place to dumb outdated tech, point them at small crash sites and watch the hilarity of unarmored people running into enemies. Some of them even survived more than one battle, thus becoming the candidate to replace people in A team.

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I did it after building shrike, to avoid decomissioning my trusty chinook. Also, B team became the place to dumb outdated tech, point them at small crash sites and watch the hilarity of unarmored people running into enemies. Some of them even survived more than one battle, thus becoming the candidate to replace people in A team.

So instead you could have kept all those people in your main base, decommissioned the Charlie to save upkeep and then been able to send out a 10 man squad of rookies fully equipped instead of 8 without gear for those easy missions, leading to more training and more of them actually surviving it.

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Doing so isn't a very good idea since it costs too much to maintain a squad plus equipment in every base, but yes, you can do it if you want to. On lower difficulties there should be enough leeway to make it work too.

On Veteran it's possible. Though it's bigger issue is getting good equipment for them all, since this is the expensive part. The upkeep is not that issue, IF you assault every! shot down UFO. May become boring for some, but it's a good way to keep above 0 credits.

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I learned that this is a bad idea the hard way. Base Augustus, which was located on the island of Sicily, was my primary base. I built a second base -- Balto base -- in Cuba (I have a thing for island bases for some reason...). Built a charlie, staffed it with soldiers. It ended up being so much damn upkeep that I actually had a defecit one month.

I... really hate that to be completely honest. I was hoping this game would be more flexible. Honestly, I also think that small arms in this game are WAY too expensive. Why is one laser rifle only $10,000 less than a huge laser AA battery? I may have to make some changes to the game, but doing that feels like cheating. I'm thinking $20,000 for rifles is much more agreeable (after all, this is 1979 money we're talking, here).

Also, you are going to need infantry in your bases anyway, in case they get attacked.

One thing I did consider, though, was building dedicated facilities. Like, a small base specifically for research. 4 labs, a store room, some living quarters for security/scientists. A nice, tucked away science base to send my Anomalous Materials to.

Edited by Larchus
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I definitely like having a second base with a second team. Train up replacements, and honestly I don't send the important guys out of escort range from the original base - I don't really like losing important dudes to interceptions for obvious reasons.

The second team is mostly equipped with (free) fully upgraded shields and second-hand pistols, plus a rocketeer or two. They mostly take out small UFOs, getting a bit of extra cash and training up replacement troops.

Much of my B team from that base is actually the one that ended up doing the final mission (after getting transferred and equipped) since I lost several people in my A team to a Battleship mission gone wrong. (3 A team members still at base and 1 A team survivor of the mission itself left me a bit short on awesome units, I was very happy to have the non-rookie replacements!)

Having them at the same base would have meant competing with my A team for easy training opportunities, which would have been pointless.

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So instead you could have kept all those people in your main base, decommissioned the Charlie to save upkeep and then been able to send out a 10 man squad of rookies fully equipped instead of 8 without gear for those easy missions, leading to more training and more of them actually surviving it.

Yeah but it would leave my second base undefended in case some base attack mission gets through. Also, i wouldn't be able to send veterans at battleships and rookies at scouts at the same time, and having to reful the dropship might have led me into night missions.

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I... really hate that to be completely honest. I was hoping this game would be more flexible. Honestly, I also think that small arms in this game are WAY too expensive. Why is one laser rifle only $10,000 less than a huge laser AA battery? I may have to make some changes to the game, but doing that feels like cheating. I'm thinking $20,000 for rifles is much more agreeable (after all, this is 1979 money we're talking, here).

I agree with this 100%

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I agree with this 100%

Yeah, I was thinking $5,000 for Laser pistols, $15,000 for Laser Shotgun (not sure why they call it a carbine, it is literally not a carbine at all), $20,000 for Laser Rifle, $40,000 for Laser Cannon and finally $60,000 for precision Laser. As for Plas and Mag weapons, add about ten or twenty thousand per increment. It got really ridiculous with plasma weapons -- A precision plasma is $120,000. As much as a Scimitar tank. The pricing is so illogical and ridiculous, and it makes it almost impossible to keep your people well equipped.

Weapons were expensive in XCOM: Enemy Unknown, yes. Plasma Guns cost like 800 Simoleons, when you're raking in only what, 1600 Simoleons tops? But the difference is that 1) You only had one base, with only 6 people deployed at a time, a good portion of which are armed differently. And 2) You could capture alien weapons off the field and re-purpose them for human use. The fact that weapons were so expensive meant that you still had a reason to carry Arc Throwers into battle and risk the necks of one of the poor bastards with the Arc Thrower just so you can nab a free plasma rifle. The price was worth the risk, generally.

So, the way I see it, the price for the weapons either needs to come down significantly, OR we need an alternate way to make money and scrape a profit off of weapons manufacture. OR we need a technology that allows alien weapons to be re-purposed. Maybe a combination of both! Like, capturing an alien weapon and paying the Scotties to modify it for human use could be a viable alternative to making them from scratch. It would also be lore friendly -- you would need a scientific understanding of alien weapons in order to modify them.... Wow this actually sounds like a good idea for a mod. Shame I can't program :/

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