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  1. Many thnx! Can i ask some?) My scientific progress stoped at predator/alfawolf/sentinel armors, shrike dropship, i dont have plasma weapons(but have explosives),rail stoped at mk-1. I was captured all aliens i could...but nothing new in phase 4. And i noticed that captured aliens not in list after ground mission .
  2. Dsb alien mass heavy crashes game.... is there possibly to group all alien weapons for dsb(to get balistic,energy etc cores)? there r to many recipes, i forced to work over tons of garbage i cant use. need 3 recipes: 1-dsb energy weapon,2-dsb ballistic weapon,3-dsb toxic weapon. or 12 : 1-dsb early enegy weapon 4 for 1 core,2-dsb basic energy 3 for 1 core... etc ps: we need a possibility to return land(even it will cost 10 000 000$),It's not about the money.That aliens are hosted on our planet depresses me.
  3. Yea that was hard...even more than Super red xenomorph mom...i made it with help of extreme stun granades looted from dead cae. Is there a way to retrieve lands?..If i leave without attention alien bases,i will lose control of lands...
  4. the issue where the game tiles are still animated but the game is otherwise frozen repeated when reaction fire triggered when steping on teleport,alien shoots destination point,but picture freezes before.
  5. The game freeze when preator(at alien base) shoots back
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